chapter 53:

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Luke's POV:

It's been 3 weeks since lizbeth was kidnapped.I haven't been out of my room,only for food. People keep on knocking on my door but i keep on shutting them out. I shut myself from the real world. I haven't been myself since she went missing. She was my little girl who got kidnapped by some sicko. I overheard what madison said and i broke down into tears. I stop crying and i look like a mess. I have contacted the police and they came here and looked for clues and they said that the kidnapped was planned for a while now, and i couldn't take it. I went back to my room and destroyed everything. Even though this is her house, she let us have rooms.

Lizbeth's POV:
They feed me a sandwich and apple juice. They gave me clothes to change. But cameron was still knocked out. I've been struggling to keep myself going. I've lost hope on anything. My kidnappers left yesterday but they haven't came back. I started to sing a song and I broke down in tears

Lizbeth:" Am I asking all these questions for nothing?
I'm wondering if anyone's there, yeah
And I really need to make a confession
I hate to say that I'm a little bit scared, yeah
That I've been on this train too long
People getting off and on
Praying that I don't forget where I belong
And every time I ask myself
Am I turning into someone else?
I'm praying that I don't forget just who I am
I really wanna understand
I just wanna understand

I'm calling all my friends after midnight, yeah
To remind 'em that I'll always be there for them
It gets lonely when there's no one to talk to
But it's good to know that somebody cares
Cause I've been on this train too long
People getting off and on
I'm praying that I don't forget where I belong
And every time I ask myself
Am I turning into someone else?
I'm praying that I don't forget just who I am
I really wanna understand
I just wanna understand, yeah
Oh yeah
Cause we all get lost sometimes, yeah
Yeah we all get lost sometimes
But don't leave your heart behind, no, yeah
Cause we all get lost sometimes
I really wanna understand
I just gotta understand, yeah
No I just need to, I need to understand
I really wanna understand, oh who I am
When you wake up
Your whole world's flipped
It's just different and you gotta, you know
You gotta, you gotta go with it and
That's just simply growing up
And not see it in a negative way
You have to see it as it's been given to you
I mean, as much as times can be crazy
You're gonna feel like that's where you're supposed to be
You're not gonna feel out of place anymore
You're gonna feel like that's where you are meant to be
You don't have to pretend that it's easy all the time
You just let it go and, and grow with it
And you can't hold on
To the old you
Or the old this
Or the old that
Because you know you change
And it's not changing in a bad way
It's just changing
Because that's what happens in life
You grow up
Everyone moves on
You're just learning
You stay true to yourself
Changing isn't a bad thing
It never was
But at the end of the day, you know
You're the same person
And, and where your heart is
That doesn't change
And every time I ask myself
Am I turning into someone else?
And I just pray to God that I'm still who I am
I really wanna understand
I just gotta understand, yeah
No I just need to, I need to understand
I really wanna understand, oh who I am"

Mckenzie:"That was gorgeous, beautiful"
Lizbeth:"Um thanks"
Mckenzie:"Don't be shy, i don't bite"

I heard something move but Mckenzie kept on moving her face close to mine and i kept on moving. She almost kissed me until

Cameron:"Mckenzie Where am I?"
Mckenzie:"Oh poor Cameron"
Caneron:"Why is Lizbeth here? And why does she have nice clothes and food?"
Mckenzie:"Cause I love her not you"
Lizbeth:"Excuse me"
Mckenzie:"Your so foolish baby"
Cameron:"You've been playing me?"
Mckenzie:"Since I saw Lizbeth. Oh Lizbeth, i loved you since you i first saw you. But you did me wrong by kissing Justin Bieber and that other guy"
Mckenzie:"Yeah him, but why cheat on me?"
Lizbeth:"We were never dating"

She slapped me and i fell to the floor holding my cheek and she grabbed my hair and slapped me again and she took cameron out of his chain and walked out leaving me in pain.

Cameron:"Oh my gosh lizbeth are you okay?"
Lizbeth:"Yea i think"
Cameron:"I'm so sorry, I've been here for 4 weeks now i think"
Lizbeth:"I've been here for 3"
Cameron:"Are you going to finish that?"
Lizbeth:"Here eat it, i bet your starving"
Cameron:"You got that right"
Lizbeth:"How did you get here?"
Cameron:"Well it all started when me and Mckenzie went to a party. And I went to the bathroom and someone came in and before i could see who it was i got knocked out. How did you get here?"
Lizbeth:"Long story short I went outside my house cause i was curious and bam i got here"
Cameron:"I haven't had food for a 4 weeks"
Lizbeth:"Well she gives me food and let's me shower if she can come in with me"
Cameron:"Do you?"
Lizbeth:"No, even though i probably smell,i don't like people watching me shower"
Lizbeth:"Yes cameron"
Cameron:"Im sorry for everything I've done to you. I've been a horrible person to you when you need someone the most and i just treated you like trash"
Lizbeth:"I can't just forgive you like that cameron, you hurt me to much that a simple sorry can't fix it"
Cameron:"I get it, you don't have to forgive me that easily, let me show you how sorry I am"
Lizbeth:"I'll think about it"
Cameron:"I'll treat you better, I'll buy you food? I'll buy you anything, just let me show you how sorry i am,please"
Lizbeth:"I don't want your money and I'll probably hate myself for this but you can get a second chance but only two chances. Mess this up, it's your problem not mine"
Cameron:"I'll try my best"
Mckenzie:"Come on cameron"
Cameron:"Where am i going?"
Mckenzie:"To shower"
Cameron:"With who?"
Mckenzie:"By yourself and I'll spend my time with my love"
Cameron:"Just don't touch her"

Cameron walked out but before he left Mckenzie gave him Clothes and some soap.

Mckenzie:"Hello Love"
Mckenzie:"I see your not shy anymore"
Lizbeth:"Can i ask you a question?"
Mckenzie:"Ask away"
Lizbeth:"Who are my kidnappers?"

I have a important question to ask.
I'm writing another book, would yall like it to be a sad story or a instagram story?
And pick who would you like to be about. And the person with the most vote I'll write one about them.

And BTW if we get this book to 10.5k or more I'll post a picture of myself.

Love yall ♡♡

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