chapter 38:

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Lizbeth's POV:
I was kind of heart breaking that, the guy i liked has a girlfriend. But i guess things happened for a reason. I can't hate someone without knowing them.
Cameron:"Hey Liz"
Liz:"Hey Cam"
Hayes:"Hey lizzybear"
Liz:"Hey hayespoo"
Shawn:"Hey cupcake"
Liz:"Hey muffin"
Aaron:"I could go for a chocolate chip muffin right now"
Liz:"Let's go home and change and then we can get food"
Johnson:"Sounds like a plan"
We got back, and I took a shower, and put my 'thick' sweater on and my yezzy leggings.
Liz:"Im coming"
Ashton:"How long does it take for you to get ready?'
Lizbeth:"I only took 30 minutes"
Michael:"That I felt like forever"
Whitesman:"Guess who's back"
Lox:"Im also here"
Lox:"Liz, i am happy i can finally see you after 1 month"
Liz:"Im so happy,we are all together"
Aaron:"Are we going or what?"
Lizbeth:"Let's go"
We all walked to panera, until someone came running to us.
Lizbeth:"What's wrong ma'am?"
Stranger:"They are after me"
Cameron:"Who's after you?"
We all looked scared
Lizbeth:"Is it a gang of killers?"
Lox:"What's going on, im scared?"
Gilinsky:"I'll tell you later"
Luke:"Ma'am I need you to stay calm"
Stranger:"How can i when i can die any second"
Cameron:"We would help you"
Stranger:"Then I'll put you danger, take my baby"
We look behind her, and a small baby boy was behind her sleeping in his crib.
Cameron:"How are you running with him and his crib?"
Stranger:"I got use to it by now"
Calum:"How long were you running from them exactly?"
Stranger:"5 years now"
Michael:"5 YEARS?"
Stranger:"Yes keep up now,And here take him. His name is Nathan"
Hayes:"How old is he?"
Stranger:"He is 1 years old"
Aaron:"Who's the daddy?"
Cameron:"Don't ask that"
Stranger:"It's okay, his daddy was my husband but sadly died"
Whitesman:"Im sorry for your lost"
Stranger:"It's okay, well i got to get running before it's late"
Lizbeth:"I can't take care of a child. Im just 16 ma'am"
Stranger:"I'm Mrs.Triska, and yes you can, i believe in you"
Lizbeth:"Thanks but I'm afraid"
Stranger:"So was i but you would get use to it. I can i see my child before I leave?"
Lizbeth:"Go ahead"
Mrs.Triska:"Baby i will miss you with all my heart.Mommy is going to be leaving you with these nice strangers. When you grow up make mommy proud, be whatever you want to be. Don't let others tell you what to be, be you. Be a actor, a youtuber, be whatever you want to be baby boy. Just know deep down your baby heart, mommy loves you no matter what you do or what you are:"
I started to tear up, i heard others crying. This is sad, this poor lady is going through a lot.
Mrs.Triska:"Thanks for everything"
Lizbeth:"No problem"
She kissed nathan goodbye and started to run.
Aaron:"that was sad, but i still want my muffins"
Shawn:"Me too"
Luke:"I would help you take care of nathan"
Lizbeth:"Thanks dad, come on let's go"
I grabbed nathan and we went to get muffins.

Hey berries ♡
This chapter and the other one made me cry
I wonder how lizbeth is going to take care of nathan?
See ya next chapter ♡

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