chapter 41:

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Luke's POV:
Cameron:"Her name is Mckenzie"
Luke:"Why don't you break up with her?"
Cameron:"Cause i like her"
Luke:"Well don't take your anger on my child or if you do im kicking you out"
Cameron:"I promise, and is she actually your child?"
Luke:"No, but i call her my child because she is the youngest"
Cameron:"Makes more sense"

Lizbeth's POV:
I told Calum to take care of Nathan while i go and relax. I grabbed random clothes. I locked my door and went out the window. I landed safely and walked to the park. I didn't want anyone to know is because they would send someone to look after me and i didn't want anyone. I told Calum cause I trust him and i need someone to take care of Nathan while im gone. I wanted some time alone, without them worried about me. Once I got to the park, i went to the swings.

Someone:"Um excuse me, us someone sitting here?"
Lizbeth:"You can sit there"
Someone:"What you doing here?"
Lizbeth:"Issues, how about you?"
Lizbeth:"Don't you hate it when people use you just to make themselves look goof?"
Someone:"All the time"
Lizbeth:"Im lizbeth, by the way"
Someone:"I'm Madison"
Lizbeth:"Aren't you that famous singer?"
Madison:"That's me, and aren't you the famous chick who does youtube?"
Lizbeth:"The one and only"
Madison:"I love your videos"
Lizbeth:"Thanks, wanna make one cause i haven't posted one in a long time?"
Madison:"I would love to"
Lizbeth:"I have my camera, we can do one now?"
Madison:"What should we do?"
Lizbeth:"How about we vlog?"
Madison:"Sounds fun?"

*turns camera on*
Lizbeth:"Hey guys, welcome back today I'm going to vlog my day, but we are joined with a special guest"
Madison:"The one and only"
Lizbeth:"What are we doing today anyway?"
Madison:"We should go shopping"
Lizbeth:"I need clothes anyway"

*skips shopping*
Lizbeth:"Thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and like this video"
Madison:"And don't forget to be happy and don't listen to others"
Madison & Lizbeth:"BYEEE"

*vlog ends*

Lizbeth:"We should hang more often"
Madison:"We should"
Lizbeth:"Come on, we can hang at my house"
Madison:"Sure, let me just get my stuff"

Sorry this isn't good, im not feeling good
I just wanted to get a chapter up
I hope you liked it

they changed meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें