chapter 68:

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Luke's POV:

I was watching '13 reasons why' with Lizbeth and Lexi. We're in tape 13, and can I say Lizbeth started to cry in tape 11. She had a crush on Dylan Minnette, or also known as Clay, or Helmet.

Lizbeth:"Dad, why couldn't he poor his heart before she died"
Luke:"It's just a show"
Lizbeth:"You said that when I found out that Tony is gay"
Luke:"I'm sorry gosh, you and your teen hormones"
Lizbeth:"Shh, Clay is hot, don't you have a crush on Selena Gomez?"
Luke:"Tisk Tisk, Well played"
Lizbeth:"I know I'm smart"

Cameron's POV:

I was on a date with Vanessa. If Lizbeth got over me, i should do the same. But how can I, if she appears everywhere I go. I either see her in stores, ads, or her own lipstick product.

Vanessa:"Are you okay?"
Cameron:"Yea, why wouldn't I?"
Vanessa:"I was talking to you and you weren't paying attention"
Cameron:"Sorry, I just have a lot in my mind"
Vanessa:"We can go home if you want"
Cameron:"No,Im fine. We are in a date"
Vanessa:"You sure?"
Cameron:"Yea, you're important right now"
Vanessa:"Aw thanks cam"

Lizbeth's POV:

I got up from my spot because Lexi and Luke fell asleep. I walked over to my phone and unplugged it, and saw it was only 11:12am. I walked to the fridge and ate a salad. I heard someone walk in but i didn't pay attention.

Taylor:"You're still awake?"
Lizbeth:"I can ask the same to you"
Taylor:"Well, i just woke up from my nap, why are?"
Lizbeth:Luke and Lexi fell asleep during 13 reasons why, and i got hungry"
Taylor:"And your solution was a salad?"
Lizbeth:"I don't feel like cooking and this was the first thing I saw"
Taylor:"I got to go"
Lizbeth:"Good night Tay"
Taylor:"Good night Lizzy"

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