chapter 59:

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Luke's POV:

I stood their in shock. Is this really happening? Am i dreaming? Before i can answer my own thoughts, Micheal and Brent came up to me and punched me on my arm.

Brent:"We are waiting"
Michael:"Mate hurry up"

I snapped back into reality and cried. I was overjoyed,and i couldn't believe I'm going to be a dad.

Luke:"Lizbeth I-"
Jeff:"Knock Knock"
Jennifer:"Sorry, actually we aren't sorry at all"
Jeff:"We came here to take Lizbeth back:"
Rose:"She doesn't belong to you"
Jennifer:"Actually she's our daughter"
Lizbeth:"Im your what?"
Lizbeth:"No, i can't be"
Jennifer:"But you are"
Brent:"Well actually not anymore"
Jennifer:"What is this foolish boy talking about"
Rose:"Well Lizbeth here, is getting adopted by someone else"
Jeff:"But we raised you"
Lizbeth:"Until i was 8, and then yall left me because yall thought i was a mistake. Yall probably came back for my money"
Jeff:"That and we need you back"
Jennifer:"That is way to talk to your mother"
Lizbeth:"You would never be my mother"
Jennifer:"Take that back"
Jeff:"Lizbeth, when we get home, you are grounded"
Lizbeth:"This is my house, i live here"

Cameron's POV:

I just woke up because I heard yelling downstairs. I walked down and saw Lizbeth yelling at some old lady.

Lizbeth:"You are not my mother"
Jennifer :"Take that back"

I walked back upstairs, and called the police. They can't lizbeth away. I already have a plan on taking Lizbeth on a date and asking her out. I walked back down, to get food cause I was starving.

Jennifer:"Who is this good-looking fella"
Cameron:"My name is Not going to happened"
Jennifer:"Why not? Im hot your hot, bam perfect together"
Cameron:"Maybe because I'm way like way to young for you"
Jennifer:"I'm only 50 years old"
Cameron:"And im only 22"
Jeff:"And our daughter is only 16"
Lizbeth:"Yall can't take me, i have a family"
Jennifer:"Yea you do, they are waiting in Ohama,Nebraska"
Lizbeth:"No i belong here, in South Carolina"
Luke:"You can't her away"
Jeff:"We just did, and you aren't even her father"
Police:"What seems to be the problem here"
Jeff:"They took my daughter away sir"
Lizbeth:"I am not your daughter, and i would never be"
Police:"Who's house is this?"
Police:"Who's your father?"
Jeff:"Me, im the dad"
Police:"The girl can talk"
Lizbeth:"Actually i don't have a dad yet"

Luke's POV:

Lizbeth:"Luke would you like to my dad?"
Luke:"I would love to"

She ran to my arms, and i cried tears of joy. I never had this feeling of happiness.

Michael:"Yay, im finally a godfather"
Calum:"What makes you the godfather?"
Ashton:"Yea why can't it be me?"
Luke:"I still haven't signed the papers"
Jeff:"And you won't"

Jeff ran up to me, but the police man tazed him with a tazer.

Police:"Congrats on your new family sir"
Jennifer:"He can't have her"
Brent:"I think he just did, mmhmm"
Jennifer:"Lizbeth please come back"
Lizbeth:"Sorry but i have a new dad"
Police:"Lets go"
Jennifer:"You can't take-"
Police:"Someone had to shut her up"
Lizbeth:"Thank you sir"
Luke:"Let's go, and let me sign the papers"
Lizbeth:"Here. Are you guys crying?"
Nash:"No, im just sweating from my eyes"
Taylor:"I'm just happy for yall"
Hayes:"Where's the food?"
Shawn:"There better be muffins"
Lizbeth:"Shawny we have more than one muffin"

Shawn ran faster than a kid getting his shots. That boy loves himself muffins.


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