Epilogue part 2

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I had to make one more. But anyways I seriously love you guys and I'm sad to end this book oh so sooon. This chappie will make you feel some time of way. But this is the last last last one. I just wrote it because it was requested by a friend. (; Enjoy.


"You nervous man?" Adrian asks.

I sigh and nod. "Fuck yes, I'm nervous." I look over at the row of men standing next to me. Adrian, Alex, Anomie, and Pauel. I swallow the lump rising in my throat. Liam, Louis, Zayn, and even Harry should be standing in their place. I shake the thought away quickly.

The piano starts playing and all the wind is knocked out of me. Oh shit oh shit this is it. This is really it. I'm about to marry the love of my life. I straighten my posture and take a deep breath.

The back doors open, Janelle, Kayla, Kateria, and Joslyn come walking out it their beautiful purple dresses. I decided to have my grooms men stand by me the whole time, they're drug dealers for crying out loud they don't want a grand entrance. Janelle is carrying Jackson in her arms and I smile. Jasmine comes walking out with her father at her side. My heart drops. If I thought it was hard to breath a few minutes ago, I was wrong. She looks absolutely gorgeous. My lips part and my palms start to sweat.

She slowly makes her way over to me with the biggest smile on her face. My pulse quickens with every step she takes. When she reaches me my heart feels like it stops all together. I send her a nervous smile making her smile even harder.

The preacher goes on with the ceremony. I don't really pay attention to him util he says to say our vows. I'm up first. She hands her flowers to Kateria and I take her hands in mine. I gulp.

"Jasmine Rene Johnson. For starters you are my world, the highlight of my day, the mother of my child, the love of my life. Before I met you, it seemed as if all was lost, and my life was crumbling into pieces. But then I met you. There was something about you that just caught my eye. Maybe it was your curly hair, or your big brown eyes, or you beautiful smile. I don't know what it was but I had to have you. Then you changed my life, you just stepped in and picked up every little piece of my broken heart and put it back together." My voice cracks. I don't bother swallowing the lump in my throat. She gasps at my tears and starts crying as well. " I know that I've hurt you, and I can't promise you that I won't fu- screw up again, because I will. But you forgive me. Thank you so much for forgiving me. Thank you so much for loving me, for fixing me. I love you so much and I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

She smiles. "You're welcome."

The preacher tells Jasmine that its her turn and she takes a deep breath.

"Niall James Horan. Before you came into my life, I was a miserable broken mess. But you came along and there was something about you I couldn't stay away from. Maybe it was your smile, or your beautiful blue eyes, or how cheesy you are. But you showed me what true love was. We have been so much together. I could never ever love anyone as much as I love you. You are my joy, my life, my heart. You're what I live for. I live to wake up every morning to wake up right next to you, to cook you breakfast, lunch and dinner. I live to fight and play and everything in between with you. You might drive me crazy sometimes, and you might have screwed up, but there's no where else I'd rather be than right here right now. So thank you Niall for coming into my life and flipping it upside down. Thank you for giving me my son Jackson. Thank you for loving me, taking care of me, holding me. I love you so much."

Tears fall from both our eyes rapidly. My heart melts. There will be no better moment than this one. I will remember this forever and ever. I hear sniffles in the crowd and I smile. The preacher asks for our rings and Adrian hand him the pillow with the rings on it. I take Jasmine's ring and she takes mine.

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