Twenty two

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To Kaylee: You need to meet me at the caffe we met at yesterday. Now!

From Kaylee: I'm on my way.

I can not believe this bitch! Why would she say we had sex? What was the point in that? I mean, obviously we've had sex but that was months ago when we were together. If I was a girl I would beat Kaylee's ass!

I'm still shocked that Jasmine slapped her. My girl's o g. She must rally love me. These past two months have been the best two months of my life. I finally feel like I can breath.

I feel like I keep making things complicated though. First I basically tell her that I don't want the paparazzi to see us together, then I don't come over last night, then she finds me with my ex girlfriend. Shit.

"I booked a flight i'm leaving in a few hours," Kaylee snaps.

"Thank God!" I yell.

"You know what ass hole? I only came here to try to talk some sense into you so you'd come back to the band! So we can be together again!" She yells.

I see lights flashing and people crowding around us.

"Well guess what bitch? When I come back to the band there is no way in hell we would get back together! Your fucking pathetic! You showed up here and made me think you actually cared. But you don't! You only care about the fame! Guess what again? That girl back there could give a fuck less if I don't go back to the band!"

"Fuck you!" She yells.

"Fuck you too bitch!" She slaps me in the face and I bust out laughing.

"I hate you!" she yells.

"I hate you too bitch," and with that I turn and walk away.


The waitress sets our plates in front of us and my stomach instantly growls.

"I like your neckless," she compliments.

"Thank you," I smile and she leaves us to eat.

"So what's going to happen with you two?" Jayden asks with her mouth full.

"I'm not going to talk to him for a day or two to show him that he can not keep hiding things from me." I say and they nod.

"I got a job today," I announce.

"Today?" Riley asks shocked.

"Yeah. I start the fourth of september."

"Wow, where?" Jayden asks.

"That bookstore down the street." I say.

By the time we are finished eating its almost twelve. The girls are going to continue job searching, but I am just going to go home.

I do nothing but read the remainder of the day. I get a few texts from Niall but I remind him that I need time. I have nothing to do without him. My life is boring when he's not around.


I walk into my house and slam the door behind me. Kaylee and I broke up months ago, but I finally feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I throw myself to the couch and call Jasmine a few times, she doesn't answer. I know texting her will end up the same way but I text her anyways. After six texts she replies.

From Jasmine: I need time.

I set my phone on the coffee table and let out a long sigh. Time for what? Does she think I slept with Kaylee? I honestly hope not. When I told Jasmine she was the best I'd ever had I meant it. So, why would she think i'd have sex with someone else? Especially Kaylee!

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