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Niall has been gone all weekend. He said he was either coming back today or tomorrow. I hope today. I miss him horribly. All weekend I thought of nothing but him. He's been texting me saying that he's having so much fun with the boys but he misses me. Ugh.

But at least my dad is coming today. He has been pestering me about coming and seeing the house. Honestly who wants to get on a ten hour flight to come and see someone they saw three weeks ago? My crazy dad. Lord help us all. He's a doctor though so hey, he can afford it.

"Jasmine! Your dad is here!" Riley yells from the kitchen. Joy to the world....

I exit my room and and make my way down the spiral staircase to the kitchen. I see Riley, Jayden, my father, and Tyler. You read right. Tyler! Damn it!

This is what I get for not telling my dad that Tyler is a lying cheating bastard. For all I know my dad thinks we are still together. I give my dad a hug and turn to face Tyler. He has a devilish grin on his face.

"Are you guys hungry?" Jayden asks.

We all agree to our hunger. We all start walking to the main street. I fall back to where Tyler is. My dad, Jayden, and Riley are walking ahead of us conversing.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" I whisper harshly.

"Of course not. I just missed you. I had to see you. Your not happy to see me?" He says with a wicked grin on his face. He reaches a hand out to touch my face.

"Do not touch me. We are done. Over. Finished." I snap.

"We'll see," he says deviously and then jogs to catch up with the others. What's that suppose to mean?!


Our food arrives and we all start to eat.

"So Jasmine and I were talking about getting married," Tyler announces.

My stomach drops. All the air has left my lungs. Riley and Jayden start choking on their food. This manipulative little bastard.

"Oh my goodness! I love you like a son Tyler. I know you will take care of my baby," my dad says sincerely.

Son of a bitch. Where's a knife?! Someone please stab my ass! Hell, i'll stab myself. Where is a knife?!!! I look to Riley and Jayden, they are giving Tyler a dead glare.

Tyler stands from the table and walks over to me. He grabs a wine glass and a fork. He starts tapping the glass loudly with the fork. Fuck. What is he doing?!

"May I have everyone's attention!" He yells. Every inside the room is starring at us. He gets down on one knee and pulls out a diamond ring.

"Jasmine Johnson, will you marry me?" He asks. The words echo in my ears. I could really use that knife right now.

Tears start falling from my eyes. He has problems. Serious problems. I can't say no in front of all these people. He knows i'm not good with crowds. I'll explain this to my dad when we are back at the house.

Tyler stands up and pecks my lips. I swallow the bile rising in my throat.

I cried the whole way back. My stupid father of course thought they were happy tears. We walk up the stairs to the kitchen. Jayden flips on the lights.

"Surprise!" Niall yells while jumping up from behind the counter.

He immediately notices my crying and freezes. He looks at Jayden the Riley the my dad then Tyler then me. Jayden and Riley sit on the bar stools ready for the show that's about to happen.

Fix you (Niall Horan fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ