Twenty Four

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Okay so whoaaa. Draaaama in the last chappa. I know I know. But trust me it gets worse. Oh lawwwd. But anyways thanks so much for reading! Vote? Comment? You know you want to (; But anyways pay attention to the skips! I love you guys!

Today is Friday, September thirteenth. I've been working at the books store for over a week now and I really enjoy it. All five of my co-workers are extremely friendly and Jay is amazing. The two of us just click, like a piece of a puzzle. I'm making five hundred dollars a week working in a book store! Life is good.

Jayden and Riley have found jobs they they enjoy as well. Jayden works at the coffee shop across the street, and Riley works at one of the finest restaurants in all of Rome. But despite the fact that I love my job, i'm ready for the weekend. Today is Niall's twentieth birthday.

I'm cut out of my thoughts by someone shoving me lightly.

"Earth to Jasmine," Jay says.

"Sorry i'm just... I don't know," I admit.

"It's 4:30, I know your ready to get out of here," he smiles.

It's 4:30 already? I pull my phone out and text Niall.

To , My Leprechaun🍀: I'm at work so don't text me back, but go to my place now.

I walk around making sure that all the books are in order. I look at my phone to check the time and its 4:59. I quickly walk over to Jay and wish him a good weekend. I hurry across the street to the coffee shop.

I practically run to the counter. "Did you bring it?" I ask Jayden panting.

"Yeah," she hands me Niall's birthday gift.

"Love you bye," I say, before she can respond i'm sprinting to the door.

I walk as fast as I can to Niall's place. Thank God I made him put a spare key under the matt.


From, My Princess👑: I'm at work so don't text back, but go to my place now.

I stand up from my couch and slip on my shoes. While walking to Jasmine's place I can't help but smile the whole time. Even though I've been away from the band all the fans have posted birthday tweets. Their support is everything to me. They have a special place in my heart, right next to Jasmine.

I'm starting to think Jasmine has forgot my birthday. She didn't tell me happy birthday this morning when I called her. When she texted me a few minutes ago she did't say happy birthday. It's no big deal though. I guess.

I grab the spare key from under the welcome rug, unlock the door, then put the key back. When I enter Jasmine's bedroom their is a black tux on the bed and dress shoes. There's a green note beside it that reads, Get Ready. I smile and obey the note.


Where the hell is she? She's not answering my calls. It's 6:37 and she gets off of work at 5:00. I start to panic. What if she's with her boss fucking him in the bathroom. Fuck!

I'm ripped out of my thoughts by Jasmine's bedroom door opening. Jasmine steps into the room and my jaw drops. She's wearing a gray strapless dress that shows the right amount of cleavage. Its flowy but still hugs every single curve on her body. The front of the dress stops mid thigh but the back is almost touching the floor. She's wearing gray heel to match. Her hair is in a french braid and she has loose curls hanging here and there. She's breathtaking.

"Sorry I took so long," she says. I stand up and she walks over to me and ties the loose gray tie around me neck. I hold my breath the entire time. If only she knew what she does to me.

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