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Its been three days since my fight with Jasmine, we haven't seen or talked to each other. Why can't I have one descent thing in my life? Something to keep my emotionally stable. Jasmine kept me emotionally stable for one day.

I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. I grab a grocery bag from the cabinet. Just get it over with take the easy way out. I swallow the lump in my throat. I came to Italy two months ago to escape. But I cannot escape myself. I'm the problem.

I put the bag over my head, squeeze all the air out of it, and tie it. This won't take long. After a few seconds it gets harder and harder to breath. This is what you need, finally escape yourself. I close my eyes. Images of Jasmine float in my mind. What will Jasmine think when she finds out I committed suicide?! What the hell am I thinking? She won't care! What will Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Harry think?

Fuck. I rip the bag off of my head and fall to the floor on my knees. After a few moments my breathing steadies. I take my phone out of my pocket and call Harry, he answers on the fifth ring.

Harry: Hello?

Me: Hey how are you?

Harry: Dandy. how are you?

Me: Harry..... I almost did it again.

Harry sighs and there's a long silence between the two of us.

Harry: Thank God you didn't. Thank God you called me. What made you stop?

Me: I thought about this girl I met, then I thought about you and the other lads and I just stopped.

Harry: A girl? What girl?

Me: Her names Jasmine. I met her five days ago and she's driving me crazy.

Harry: Hmmm. Sooo ???

Me: We haven't talked in three days.... I pretty much fucked that up...

Harry: Then fix it.

Me: How?

Harry: You know girls. They like romantic shit. She obviously means something to you so fix it.

Me: I will. Thanks mate.

Harry: Yeah yeah.

And with that I hang up the phone. I look at the time, 4:58 p.m. I will fix this..

To Jasmine: Be at my place at 8

Its been thirty minutes and she still hasn't replied.

To Jasmine: Please let me fix this.


"What club are we going to hit up tonight ladies?" Riley asks.

I shrug my shoulders and take a sip of my wine. Jayden stays silent, that's a first. I feel my phone vibrate in my lap, indicating that I have a text message. I sit my wine glass down and pick up my phone.

From Niall: Be at my place at 8

"Actually girls, I don't think I want to go out tonight," I say.

"You sure?" Jayden asks. I nod and make my way up the spiral staircase to my room, shutting the door behind me.

Three days without seeing Niall has drove me crazy. He's made no effort to contact me and now out of nowhere he texts me and tells me to come over. I lay down on my bed and burry my head in my pillow. I miss him. But why do I miss him? I just met him. My phone vibrates again, I pick it up.

From Niall: Please let me fix this

*****Later that day*****

It's 8:36 p.m and here I am at Niall's door. I shouldn't have even come. How's he going to fix this? Fix what? What is this? What are we? Friends? Fuck buddies? Despite my deep train of thought I knock on the door anyway. Here goes nothing.

Within a matter of seconds the door swings open revealing Niall in a button up pink polo shirt, white pants, and pink vans. I on the other hand an wearing a plane purple T shirt some shorts and some sandals. I look stupid and he looks like a sex god. Great!

He gestures for me to come in so I do. I follow him into the dining room and see two bowls of Broccoli and Chicken Alfredo and two glasses of white wine. He pulls a chair out for me and I sit down. He makes his way around the table and sits down as well.

"I though you weren't going to come," he says softly while looking down at his bowl.

I don't say anything. Instead I just sit here starring at him. After a minute or so he finally looks at me. I see pain in his eyes. Why? Our eyes stay locked for at least five minutes, i'm not even exaggerating.

"Jasmine, I'm sorry. I had no right to go through your messages. I do not know what came over me,"

His Irish accent sends chills up my spine, every word making me melt. If I wasn't sitting in this chair I would be a little brown puddle on the floor.

"What's your favorite color?" He asks.

What? I'm too confused right now.

"Uhh, purple. What's yours?"

"Green. Duh i'm Irish," he says sarcastically.

I laugh, "Oh."

"What's your middle name Jasmine?"

So many questions. "Rene. What's yours?"

"That's beautiful. Mine is James,"

We spend an hour or so getting to know each other like normal people. It's actually pretty relaxing, and both of us have too much in common. Niall grabs my bowl as well as his and goes into the kitchen. He returns with a bottle of wine and fills my glass half way. I smile in gratitude, he's probably trying to get me drunk.

"You want to watch a movie?" He asks. I nod, follow him to the living room, and sit on the couch.

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