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I'm awaken by someone poking my arm. I look up and Mr. Johnson is standing over me. I get off of the bed, very careful not to wake Jasmine.

"Can I speak with you?" He whispers. I nod and follow him out the room into the hallway. When he shuts the door his face hardens.

"Where's Jayden and Riley?" I ask.

"They stopped to get breakfast." He answers harshly. "What happened to my daughter?"

I take a deep breath. I should be the one to tell him. "She jumped off of a bridge into shallow water."

"Why on earth would she do that?!" He whisper yells.

I explain everything. I tell him that I went to rehab, and that Jasmine and I took a break. I tell him that I slept with someone else. I tell him that my best mate brought her here to meet my brother, I leave out my parents being murdered. I tell him that she thought i jumped to kill myself, so she jumped to kill herself too. But the hardest thing to tell him that she had a miscarriage.

When i'm finished, he soaks up what i've said, then laughs in my face.

"Just leave," he says still amused.

I furrow a brow at him. "Excuse me?"

His expression turns serious. "You heard me. Go. She does not need you here. Honestly, this is all your fault anyways. Just do her a favor and walk away. Better now than later, because later she'll be too invested in you."

I clench my jaw to control my anger. "To invested in me? Mr. Johnson, you daughter is far past that. She needs me and i'm not going anywhere."

I stand my ground. He needs to realize that Jasmine is my everything.

He scoffs. "Do you think it'll work between the two of you? You're a celebrity for Christ sake. You'll be gone most of the time. Oh, and the temptation will get worse. Women will continue to throw theirselves at you. You will sleep with someone else eventually. So like I said, leave my daughter."

I take a few deep breaths. Who in the actual fuck does this man think he is? He does not know me at all, and he damn sure does not know Jack shit about my relationship.

Control yourself Niall.

"With all do respect Mr. Johnson I-"

He cuts me off. "Cut the shit. My daughter didn't come visit me on Thanks Giving because of you! She was so broken and distraught that you two took a break!" He whisper yells.

I didn't know that. Fuck, what have I done to her. I look down at my feet in shame.

"She deserves better and you know it," he says calmly.

He's right. I do know it. But my anger gets the best of me. "Better? Like who? Tyler?" I laugh.

"As a matter of fact, yes. He's been to a few therapists and he's sorted out all his problems. He's ready to commit to Jasmine." he snaps.

I stay silent, because if I speak this whole fucking hospital will hear me.

"After her mother's funeral, she went out with Tyler and didn't come back until four in the morning. I saw the look she had in her eyes. She still loves him." He says harshly.

Every word that spills out of his mouth makes the lump in my throat grow bigger and bigger. Makes my chest feel tighter and tighter. Some part of me wants to believe he's lying, but I know he's telling the truth.

"Leave Niall," he says softly.

I turn on my heels and rush down the hall to the elevator. Once the doors close I collapse to my knees and sob heavily.

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