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Okaay so one thing, there are a lot of skips in the booook so pay attention. It doesn't go day by day all the time. But here comes draaaamnma! 💕

** Three weeks and five days later**


It's the afternoon and I have nothing to do. I'm too bored right now. I was at Niall's this morning but he was in a hurry for me to leave and told me to come back at seven for dinner. I don't know what on earth his problem was...

But I am an amazing girl friend, and those are Niall's words not mine. I do hate that Tyler came here but because of him Niall made us official. So thank you Tyler. Tyler and I haven't spoken sense he came here thank the Lord. He's pretty much left me alone. No texts no calls. Life is good.

I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. I grab a picnic basket from under the cabinet. I load it with a jug of lemonade, two glasses, grapes, strawberries, tortilla chips, and a can of salsa. It wouldn't hurt to surprise him with a picnic lunch. Wow i'm amazing.

I arrive at Niall's place and knock on the door. After two long agonizing minutes he opens the door, looks down at me, and frowns.

"Hey Ni-,"

He cuts me off, "I told you to come over at seven," he half whispers half yells. He takes a few steps out of the house and shuts the door.

"Who's in there?!" I ask furiously. It must be a girl if he's acting like this. I can feel the lump forming in my throat. I thought he was different. He promised he would never do what Tyler did.

He looks down at the picnic basket. "What's this?" He asks while pointing to the basket. What the hell does it look like?!

"I was going to surprise you with a picnic in the park for lunch!" I yell.

He sighs and looks down. "Jasmine you can't be here right now."

"Niall do not do this to me. Do not keep things from me," I beg.

"Please please please come back at seven. I'll explain then," he says. He places a kiss on my forehead then walks back into the house.

I set the picnic basket on the door step. Come back at seven? I think not. I run to the side of the house and hide. I'll wait. If a girl walks out of that house there's no doubt that I will go to jail today.

Twenty minutes or so pass by and I hear the front door open. I peak around the corner to see a hispanic looking man walking down the drive way. I hear the door close and I make a run for it. Yep i'm crazy.

"Hey wait!" I yell at the man. He turns around and looks me up and down.

"Yeah?" He says.

"Why were you just in there? I ask.

He throws his hands up. "Whoa, I was just doing my job."

His job?! "What's your job exactly?"

"Ask him," he says while gesturing towards the house.

I roll my eyes and make my way to Niall's front door. I open the door and walk inside the house. I look in the living room, no Niall. I walk into the dining room, still no Niall. But there is a paper bag on the table.

I walk over to the table, pick up the paper bag, and open it. I pull out a tiny tiny envelope looking thing. I open it and inside it is white powder.

Is this real life? Is this what I think it is? I think i'm about to have an actual heart attack. No a panic attack. Some kind of fucking attack. My chest tightens. This isn't Niall's. I walked into the wrong house. Yep, that's it.

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