Thirty three

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Sorry that I didn't update yesterday, my WiFi was being stupid. But before you read I suggest that you put your earphones in and play some sad music!! This chapter made me all kinds of emotional. While I wrote this I listened to Say Something(A great big world) Stay(Rihanna) I can't make you love me(Bon Iver) and Possibility (Lykke Li) Hope you guys like it!


These past fee days have been hard. But it could've been harder. Well that's what my Phycologist, Dr.Smith, says. He has taught me that I can let things go. I can move on from my parents death. I can forgive their killer. I can move on with my life with or without Jasmine, she is not all I have left. Every time I think of her I count to ten.

Its Wednesday and hopefully I can leave today. Sandra comes into my room and unhooks my restraints.

"Well Mr. Horan you have had quite a successful few days," she smiles.

This woman never stops smiling. Over these past few days I've learned that Sandra used to be a drug attic and was admitted here. She got clean, got married, had kids, and vowed that she would give back by helping people at the very place she was helped.

"You're free to leave sweetie."


"Let's go eat somewhere. I need real food and a beer," I say to the lads. They all agree and Zayn tells the driver to take us to the nearest restaurant.

"So what are you going to do now?" Louis asks.

I sigh. "I'm going to Italy tomorrow."

Harry narrows his eyes at me.

"Chill, I need to pack more clothes and decide on if i'm going to keep the house or not," I say.

Everyone starts cheering, even the driver. But Harry is looking at me like I just killed a small child.

"I hope you know what your doing," Harry snaps.

"I do," one, two, three, four.

"I'm going with you!" He snaps again. I nod.


This week has went by fast. If it wasn't for Jay i'd probably loose my mind. He's been here all day everday listening to me talk about Niall.

I'm on my knees putting books on the shelves because my shift is almost over, then someone taps my shoulder.

"I'll be with you in a sec," I say politely.

"Oh this can't wait," a deep british voice says. I jump to my feet and turn around.

"Harry!" I squeal and launch myself into his arms.

I pull away and Jay is walking towards us.

"Where's Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Tae?"

"London. Sorry I know you are working, but when you get off meet me at the coffee shop across the street." I nod and hug him again. Harry leaves and Jay is by my side.

"That was Harry," I say.

"I know. He is a superstar," he says sarcastically. I almost forgot about that.

I enter the coffee shop and breath a sigh of relief. I'm so glad its warm in here. I look around searching for Harry. No Harry. I continue to scan the room until my brown eyes lock on blue ones. Shit. My heart beat triples. No Lord please i'm too young for a heart attack. He gestures for me to sit with him. I force myself to walk to his table. He greets me with a smile. Okay? No hug? No kiss? No heart felt reunion where I run and jump into his arms? Oh.

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