Forty three

256 5 4

The girl sits strait up. Despite the fact that her hair is a mess its long, black and wavy. I can see her bright blue eyes from over here. They are blood shot and droopy. All her clothes are on, but this bitch is still in Niall's bed.

I walk up to the bed, wrap her long hair around my hand and sling her off the bed. She lands on the floor with a shriek. I grab her wrist and snatch her up off the floor. I start swinging without a second thought. She falls to the floor. I get on top of her, pinning her to the floor, and continue to hit her. Showing no emotion, showing no mercy. I don't even know where i'm hitting her, all I see is red.

All at once I'm snatched off of the whore. Niall throws me, harshly, against the wall. He kneels on the floor to assist his whore. I take a few seconds to think about what happened. Holy shit. I just fucked this bitch up. Niall looks up at me and sighs.

"Its not what you think." He says calmly.

My vision starts getting blurry. Its exactly what I think and his ass got caught. I ball my fists and charge towards the whore. Niall stands to his feet and pushes me. Wait, did this nigga just push me? I'm going to jail tonight, that's for sure. I push him back as hard as I can.

"Let me explain!" He yells.

"No! I don't need you to explain shit!" I scream.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You know what just get the fuck out!" Niall yells.

What? No, he's suppose to tell her to leave. My stomach drops. I should have known. I pick my heart up off the floor and walk towards his bedroom door. Before I walk out of it I turn around and look at them. He's helping her get up off of the floor.

I point at the whore. "Fuck you whore." I say harshly. Then I point at Niall. "And, fuck you."

His eyes go wide but he stays silent. I walk out of the room and slam the door behind me. I run out of the house and to the bmw. I get inside and slam the door. I crank the car and drive as fast as I can down the road. I don't know where the fuck i'm going, i'm just getting away from here.

After about twenty minutes of wreck less driving I park the car and cut it off. I take a deep breath and bang on the steering wheel a few times. So that's what he wants? A whore? Good for her, good for him. Fuck them both. I try hard to swallow the bile rising in my throat but I can't. I open the door and throw up on the concrete.

I wipe my mouth and laugh. Of course I threw up. I'm so weak because of him. I knew better not to fall in love again. But no! I did it anyway. Stupid! How could I be so stupid. I slam the door and lock it.


"I did you a favor," Lidia says.

I scoff and hand her a ziplock bag filled with ice. Lidia's face is already starting to bruise. She has a cut above her eye brow and on her bottom lip. I turn my face away from her to hide my smile. Jasmine beat the shit out of her.

What is it with women and their intolerances to listening to men explain theirselves. Anger starts to coarse through me. If Jasmine would have shut her damn mouth she would've known that Lidia is a business associate. But I wouldn't go into full detail of course.

She would know that she came and we got high, then she passed out so I put her in my bed. I do not see the big deal. She wasn't naked. I found Harry and Jasmine in bed together. So, payback is a bitch.

"So lets talk. Seriously," She says as she holds the ice bag to her eye. I nod.

"My brother Emilio trusts you. So he doesn't want you to sell. He has bigger plans for you. But I didn't come here to tell you about his plans for you."

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