It was the next day I think? I don't know? I passed out then woke up the last hour.

I climbed out and blocked the sun with my hand. I went to my side pocket and pulled out my sunglasses and quickly placed them on. "Ugh, damn sun. Okay, let's see where you are at." I murmur to myself and pulled out the phone.

I heard my men make their way down the steps of the plane and started to walk around looking around. I looked at the red dot and called one of men over.  "Kory!"


"Come here!"

He mindlessly made his way over and I stared hard at him. "Find the location and tell me when you get it."

"Okay boss."

I pushed him the phone and walked away. "Lets go get the cars." I walked in front and we made our way out of the landing strips and made our way to the front where I had some cars waiting for us.

I had one of men to call us cars before we landed. I made my way towards the tinted black truck with black tinted windows. Some men followed me in the truck while some went to drive the other two.

Kory came up to my side of the window, where I sat in the back seat, and I rolled down my window. "5096 ridge sky street." That's all he said while I nodded and told my men to go there.

I told him not speed down the streets just drive slow when we get there. I just want to see if there're there. We made it to a empty neighborhood, nothing to special.

I looked back to the phone and saw the red dot there still. "Park two houses away." I said while still looking at the dot and then looked back up and saw the house where there are.

The sun was setting and no cars past by. It was really calm around here. No wonder they chose this spot.

It's peaceful.

Ha, I'm the opposite of peaceful and so is my brother. So what the hell is he doing?!

I felt my face grow into a scowl as I stared out the window. The curtains were closed and there were some cars parked outside of the house but it still looked like any other normal house.

If you're trying to live a normal life after what you've done brother, think again.

I looked behind me and I see the cars parked behind me while they were on their phones.

I work with idiots. I groan and look back to the house. "Don't follow me. Text the men in the other cars to not follow. I'll be back." I climbed out of the car and glare at the other two cars then quickly cross the street.

I made my way towards the house and quietly climbed the fence and dropped softly on the ground. I looked around and see the back yard covered in weeds. Like they haven't cut the grass in ages. I walked around the house and that was like walking through a maze, a corn maze. The weeds grew taller then me, and I'm 6'4".

There was broken glass, somewhere in this maze because each step I took, glass broke. I cursed under my breath, but started to kick the weeds to make a walk way.

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