"I had you on speaker; he heard you." She lied

"Okay I'm on the fourth floor in room 366." Shaé said

"Okay." Ember said and hung up

"Go help her." Ember said

"She asked for Jaceon so wait until he come back from the restroom." KéShaun said being stubborn

"Look, Shaé told me what you and Ace did at the abandoned hotel for her so can please go help her again you know if somebody don't come it's going to open a whole other situation." Ember said

"Y'all really getting on my fucking nerves today bruh damn." He said getting up and snatching his drink off the table.

"She on the-..."

"I HEARD HER DAMN!" He said and Ember started laughing

Five minutes later Késhaun was at the nurse's station and Késhaun asked the lady where was his daughter Nashaé Jones and she escorted him to the xray room but NaShaé wasn't there in that room yet.

So, KéShaun just tried to find room 366.

He walked the halls looking at room numbers then finally found Shaé's room.

Nashaé and Dr.Bradshaw was talking with the nurse as the stitch her up a knocked was at the door "Come in." The doctor said

Késhaun and the nurse greeted him as did the doctor while Shaé back was turned as she laid on her side as she couldn't see who it was at the moment.

"Are you her father?" The nurse asked

"Yeah I am." KéShaun said when Shaé eyes got big "I'm so tired of Em trying to play match maker." Shaé thought to herself

"So, is daddy's girl doing?" KéShaun asked as he touched Shaé's ankle

"This nigga on that bullshit." Shaé thought to herself as she rolled her eyes and ignored him.

The nurse answered instead, "Well, we have a few concerns about why your daughter only reported her cut but not her arm which is more than likely fractured because she punched a mirror." The nurse said with so much attitude.

KéShaun wanted to get disrespectful to lady but he knew she had a point.

"I'm sorry I don't think I got your name." KéShaun said

"It's Ashley and that's Doctor Bradshaw." She answered

"Well ma'am actually I couldn't agree more with that I don't know why she didn't report about both I told her that we're here to help her but she seems to ignore me." KéShaun said

Ashley wasn't mad as she was before now that KéShaun agreed with her as The doctor gave Késhaun the papers to sign while the doctor pulled Shaé's shirt down as she sat up.

"All done." Bradshaw said

Shaé avoided eye contact with KéShaun as he gave the paper back to the doctor.

"So what now?" KéShaun asked Ashley

"Well we're done here so just meet us around the corner you'll see us for examination for her arm and hand then we'll handle it from there." She said then her and the doctor left Shaé tried to follow them but KéShaun shut the door.

"How you been?" He asked

"Why didn't Jaceon come?" Shaé asked with her arms folded.

"You probably haven't notice yet but that nigga ain't fuckin' with you ma." He said laughing as Shaé stood there.

"Why are you here?" She asked

"You needed my help again." KéShaun said aggressively

"Again?" Shaé said confusedly

"Yeah, again." He said raising his voice walking up towards Shaé then she put her hands up in front of her.

"I don't want to argue; we're not together and thank you again for your help." She said and walked passed him holding her side about to open on the door when KéShaun pushed it back closed....

"Yes, I give you the run around but when you do it to me I can't handle that shit and I do care what happens to you and I'm trying to protect you but you just can't see it yet."

KéShaun said kissed her cheek

"Thanks again." Shaé said and opened the door as she walked around the corner and saw Ashley talking to another nurse.

After thirty minutes of examining Shaé they put her in a arm cast and informed Nashaé that she fractured her shoulder and wrist and he explained that she through her arm out and when you punched the mirror the blood rushed from the damaged due to the shoulder she made it worst with the mirror it was swollen, hard to move because it was tingling and numb so he put her in a cast for three months.

"I will be calling you in for check ups have a good day."He said shaking Nashaé hand then Késhaun's before all of left the room and went their own way while Nashaé got a text.

She read it -

"What the fuck." She said then started to look around "What?" KéShaun asked as he pressed the elevator button.

"Nothing." Shaé said

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