I Try to Write it Down, But I can Never Find the Pen

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Warning! This chapter deals with dark themes. If you wish to know what themes these are before reading the chapter, skip to the bottom of the chapter. I'm sorry for not updating in so long! I'm currently doing my GCSE's, which I finish on June the sixteenth. After that, I'll be updating more regularly than I used too!

Draco's POV (I don't intend to make POV the main focus but it was necessary) 

Everything feels cold inside my head. My heart aches in fear of the ever-growing emptiness. I feel numb to every emotion except pain. How could I be so foolish as to fall in love with a villain? His dark and mysterious persona draws me to him but I can't let this continue to spiral out of control.

Just last week Harry had kissed me and we shared a night of pleasured touches, but just the morning after he gave a lying smile to a professor and manipulated him into believing a lie he had told. I love him but I cannot live in guilt. I'm walking on glass shards with blood staining the floor beneath. I can't let them see. But I cannot live without Harry. He means the world to me. So if I cannot live with Harry and without guilt both, then I suppose there is no reason for me to live at all. 

Yes, this may sound rather dramatic but what else am I to do? Love's not on my side and neither is my conscious so I suppose this is my farewell. I feel my heart swell up as if with tears and my throat goes tight, I clasp my hand to my wrist and feel the cold skin and I feel my heart beating.

I stand up and stumble slightly. I pick up my wand and towards the bathroom, I go. With me I brought a bottle of pills I found in Snape's quarters when I was there with Harry just hours earlier and put down my note. I took the pills with water from the tap and that was it. I sat on the lid of the toilet and waited. 

"Draco? Are you alright in there, my love?" It was Harry. I felt my face go red and I felt my eyes begin to close. I tried to speak but I couldn't find the words. And suddenly I wished I had never taken the pills in the first place.

"Harry..." was all I managed to croak out before I fell with a thud from the toilet to the floor. The last thing I heard was Harry's voice yelling 'alohomora'. 

___________Normal Narration___________

Harry felt dread rush over him as he saw Draco's unconscious state. Pills and a letter. Suicide. No, dont be dead, Draco! Harry pleased as he rushed towards him, picked him up and ran out of the bathroom towards the hospital wing. People screamed at the sight of Draco, but Harry ignored them, instead speeding passed as fast as his legs would allow him to go and screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping to alert someone. Severus came out of the dungeon in confusion. He was wearing his pyjamas and when he saw Draco all the colour from his face drained and he rushed to keep up with Harry. 

Severus reached out to Harry and suddenly Harry felt as if he was being squeezed through a tight straw. And then there they were. Harry had no time to question Severus on how Severus could apparate in Hogwarts and instead put screamed Madam Pomfrey's name. She came rushing out and asked what had happened with her mouth crooked and eyebrows knitted together. 

"Pills. I saw them in father's - Professor Snape's quarters this morning! Muggle pain killers, I think. Please save him!" Harry blurted out hurriedly. It was all so unexpected. Why would Draco do this to himself? And then it dawned on him. The guilt of the death of Ginny Weasley. 

"I'll do what I can, Mr Potter." She said, rushing to care for Draco. 

"Please, live..." Harry whispered under his breath, hot tears falling from his eyes as he began pacing up and down the hospital wing and running his fingers through his hair. "You have to live."

AN - For those who scrolled down, the Dark theme is suicide. So trigger warning. 

O P E N | Drarry fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora