Malfoy Mingling

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Draco and Harry where practicing Draco's Negramency skills, but  to little success. Draco would get there, get excited and open  his eyes by mistake. 

Harry had told Draco that he had learnt to control his emotions  from a very young age. Draco had been upset to hear that. 

Draco and Harry where bonding very closely already, and that  day, Draco's godfather Severus Snape was coming over for  dinner. 

"So, he is your godfather, but you call him Uncle Sev?" Harry  asked in amusement, causing Draco to blush. 

"Anyway, what house at Hogwarts do you want to be in?"  Draco asked Harry, changing the subject. 

"I don't know. What houses are there?" Harry asked. "We are  getting sorted tomorrow, right?" 

"Yes, and the houses are: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and  Hufflepuff. Or, if you want to be correct: Griffindouche, Slytherin,  Ravenbor and Huffletato." Draco stopped. Huffletato? 

"So, Slytherin is the best house?" Harry asked. 

"Yes." Draco said with pride. "My family has been in slytherin  for many generations." 

Harry smiled. "I hope I'm in slytherin then."

Harry laid his head on Draco's lap and propped the closed  book on his knee. 

"Draco? Do you think I'm... let's say, black or white? Good or  evil?"  

Draco stroked Harry's hair, telling he was hiding something. 

"My Mother always said that we all have good and bad inside  of us." Draco said.

Harry nodded and stayed still. They could have been there for  hours. They only moved when there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in." Draco said once straightening up.

"Master Draco sir? Dobby is being told for you and Master  Harry Potter to get ready for dinner tonite." Came the voice of  the shy house elf once he had opened the door. 

"Okay Dobby, when will they want us?" Draco asked.

"In half an hour, Master Draco." Dobby said. 

"You're dismissed." Draco mumbled. Dobby disappeared and the  two boys stood to get ready. 

"Okay Harry, so, stand here and I will transfigure your top into  some robs..." Draco said smiling. Draco's father had taught him  Transfiguration and some charms over the past year with his  mother's wand. 

"Okay Draco." Harry said stepping closer.

Draco pointed his wand at Harry's top and closed his eyes using all his concentration. He imagined plain green robes with a silver button, being careful to keep it simple. When he was sure it was ready, Draco opened his eyes and said the incantation. 

"Wow!" came Harry's voice, amazement crackling through it. 

When Draco opened his eyes, it was almost exactly as he had imagined it. The only difference was that the silver button was now black. 

"Okay, good. Wait a second while I get changed..." Draco got changed into formalish, blue robes. He was glad his godfather had managed to fit dinner into his time table. 

There was a knock at the door. 

"Draco? Harry? Severus is here." said Narcissa's kind voice. 

Draco walked out the door and Harry followed close behind.

"Where did you get those robes, Harry?" Narcissa asked politely. 

"I transfigured them from a muggle top, mother." Draco said. 

"Very good Draco." Narcissa congratulated. 

"Thank you mother." Draco smiled. 

"Hello Draco." Came a happy, but masked voice. 

"Hello Uncle Sev." Draco said, hugging him. 

"Hello mr.Potter." Severus said with a small smile. 

After dinner, Severus and Harry were basically agreeing with everything each other had to say. 

"Yes! They do sound rather queer." Harry said to Severus, not showing too much excitement. He was referring to Hufflepuffs. 

A bird that Harry had seen in one of the books at his old school came zooming past. 

"A Phoenix." Harry said in owe. "They aren't mythical." 

"Sorry Narcissa, Lucius, Draco, and Harry. The headmaster wants to see me." 

Harry and Draco said fearwell, and went up to bed. Each falling asleep. 

There was a green light in the distance.  

AN- Sorry, I just did a spelling and grammar check. There were allot of mistakes, so I fixed them. 

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