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AN-There is no reason for the gif. If you don't know who this is, blood hell, how?! Just look up 'Umbridge - Joe walker' and magic will happen.


Harry sat on the end of the sofa on which Draco now lay, asleep. Harry had only just awoken himself and there was still time before he needed to go to class. Samantha Higgots. He knew that name from somewhere... why couldn't he remember where from?

His memory was perfect so why couldn't he remember? Anger, that's what he felt. Why did Dumbledore have a werewolf in the school anyway? It was absurd! Looking down at Draco, Harry made the most ridiculous decision he made in this life- but one he hoped would work.

He sent a patronus  to his father that said 'Father, get Tom and yourself to the seventh floor as quickly as you can- be of haste.' Reluctantly, Harry woke Draco up and told him what was happening. Draco flushed upon realizing that he wasn't dressed and Harry was and put something on, making sure to put a spell on himself that would mask any smell's- just in case.

Making sure not to be seen, Harry waited outside of the room of requirement for Severus and Tom. That invisibility cloak would be helpful right now, Harry thought. It took about quarter of an hour before he could hear running and heavy breaths. Severus looked up and saw Harry. Relief could be seen flooding into his eyes.

Guilt suddenly hit Harry as he realised what his message must have sounded like. He waved for them to hurry up, and led them into the room of requirement. Draco was stood, his school clothes on even though he knew he wouldn't be going to school today.

The room of requirement would be their home until Samantha Higgots was out. Tom looked at them.

"What's your plan?" Tom asked, ready to listen to anything that Harry might throw at him. Harry let them sit down, being careful that Harry and Draco sat on 'the ' sofa.

"Harry Potter and Malfoy are lost, and Lucius Malfoy, pureblood and wealthy prince, angry at the disappearance of his son and his best friend." Harry said, a small smirk on his face. "Perhaps they were kidnapped by Samantha Higgots? Previous death eater? Lucius DEMANDS a retrial, Veritaserum included!"

Tom raised an eyebrow, seemingly impressed.

"And then she confessed that she is a death eater." Tom said, a smirk plastered on his face. "Deus Magnus would be proud."  

"Don't tell me you believe in Deus Magnus? The God of Magic." Harry said, a small laugh escaping his mouth.

"Merlin, Harry. Don't tell me you are a Heathen." Draco said in a small voice. "Forget it. Don't tell my parents. They would shove it on you."

Harry nodded his head, understanding what some purebloods could be like before he took out his school work, getting ready to study. He would make sure Draco would do the same.

"Make sure to contact Lucius telling him what is happening. I trust his acting skills aren't rusty?" Harry looked Severus in the eyes and he nodded before leaving to head to the lab.

It was going to be a long few weeks.

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