Magick Moving

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Harry, Draco and Lucius arrived at platform 9 3/4 half an hour early. Draco and Harry said goodbye to him, then went to find a seat on the train.

Harry sighed as they were walking up the passage of the train with there trunks. Draco turned around and looked into Harry's eyes. 

"Whats wrong?" He asked Harry. 

"Nothing..." Harry lied. What was actually wrong was that he felt as if everyone

seemed to know him.

"Are you Harry Potter?" Said a boy with dark skin. 

"Yes." Harry said, trying not to sound irritated.

"Well I am Dean Thomas. Wow, pleased to meet you. I'm muggle born, but my new friend Seamus-" Dean stopped when he saw the look on Harry's face."Er, sorry..." Dean left quickly and Harry turned back to Draco.

"Lets sit at the far end, that way were less likely to get talked to." This they did.

Once the train started moving, the little incident with Dean Thomas thinking he knew everything was almost forgotten. 

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one." Said a girl with bushy hair. 

"What's it's name?" Harry asked bordely.

"Trever." She said.

Harry pulled out his wand and said the words 'accio Trevor the toad.' Seconds later, a toad came flying into the back of the girls head. 

"Wow!" She exclaimed. "Are you second year's?" 

"No, we are first years." Harry said smugly. "I practiced at Draco's house." 

The girl sat opposite Harry. 

"I only try simple spells myself, take this one for example." She pointed her wand at Harry's glasses and said the incantation 

"Oculus reparo." Harry's glasses fixed. 

"You're Harry Potter!" Hermione said, grinning. Harry rolled his eyes. "I'm Hermione Granger, are?" 

She looked at the form next to Harry. 

"I'm Draco Malfoy. Let's just say, I don't think Harry likes you 

much." Harry put his wand up to Hermione. 

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Harry said. Hermione raised into the air, 

with the toad clutched in her left hand, and moved her into the passageway, shutting the door on her face. 

She stormed of angrily.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" Came a voice outside there 

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