When the moon found the sun

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Harry lingered behind after double potions to talk to his father, Severus Snape. They hadn't spoken in a while, and Harry wanted to see if he could move in with Severus.

"Hello, Sir." Harry said.

"Harry. Whats up?" Severus asked the boy.

"I was wondering if I could move in with you?" Harry asked, getting straight to the point.

Severus looked up, and smiled.

"Of course Harry. Would you like to arrange to meet at my house at spinner's end?" Severus smiled.

"Sounds great, Father." Severus smiled at Harry's usage of 'Father', instead of sir.

And so they were to meet the following day, a Saturday, and go to Severus' house.


They arrived at Severus' house at spinner's end, and Severus got his house elf to make lunch for the two of them.

"So... how did you meet my mother?" Harry asked.

"I was at a muggle park, and she was also... you see, she was adopted, as was Petunia." Severus said. "She didn't know about magic."

Harry nodded for him to continue.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHOW THEY METxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When the moon fell in love with the sun

All was golden in the sky

All was golden when the day met the night

Severus looked at Lily. He was hidden behind a bush and he was watching Lily fly of the swing. She was magic too, but probably a mudblood.

"Stop it, Lily! Mummy told you not too!" Petunia shrieked.

"But why not? I'm not hurting you, am I? Besides, she isn't even are real mother." Lily said jumping again.

"Look at this, Tuney." Lily said, her hand clenched forward. Petunia looked curious but hesitated. Severus watched as Petunia looked at Lily's hand, and she shrieked again when she unclenched her hand. There, on Lily's hand, was a daisy. It was growing out of her hand.

"Stop it, Lily!" Petunia shouted.

"Like I said, it's not hurting you, is it?" Lily said, stopping the flower.

"How do you do it?" Petunia asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Severus asked Lily and Petunia, coming from behind the bush.

"No, why?" Lily asked.

"You're a witch." Severus said.

"Thats not a very nice thing to say to somebody!" Lily said.

"I know you, you're that Snape kid from spinner's end." Petunia said in disgust. "Come on, Lily."

Petunia took Lily's hand and they left.Severus was left behind.

A few days later, Lily and Petunia came back to the park and Severus was again behind the bushes. This time, he had brought his mother's copy of Hogwarts: A history as proof.

So he said, "Would it be all right

If we just sat and talked for a little while

If in exchange for your time

I give you this smile?"

"Lily! Please, look! Here is proof!" Severus said, showing Lily the book.

"So I really am a witch?" Lily asked.

"Yes." Severus said.

"I wonder is my parents were." Lily said, and Petunia huffed of.

"Tuney! Were are you going?" Lily asked her sister.

"Away from you two!" Petunia said angrily.


Harry looked at his father's souwer face after he finished telling him.

"Don't worry Father, she is just a stupid squib."


Sorry its short! Everything in bold when Sev tells Harry how he met Lily and Petunia is the lyrics to 'When the day met the night' by 'Panic! At the disco'. Yeah I don't own Harry Potter. Ob-viously.

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