Shadows will Scream

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There was outrage when the picture was released anonymously. People were disgusted that Azkaban had lied about Barty crouch Jr.'s status, and didn't believe it when they said that they didn't. Harry, Draco,  and Tom were grateful for Severus' help.

Would they get caught out? Or would their plan be enough to foul them? 

Harry shook his head. There was no time to worry about such things. He just needed to act scared so that they would believe him. Every time someone would look Harry in the eye he made sure to look uncertain but not over do it. 

He was a Slytherin, and Slytherins were masters of facades. Harry's facade was plastered permanently unless he was alone with Draco.

Draco meant everything to Harry, and Harry meant everything to him. If it wasn't for Draco, where would Harry be? Stuck at the Dursleys, probably. But he wasn't, thanks to the Malfoys. 

Harry felt a surge of guilt rush over him. He hadn't been keeping up with Lucius or Narcissa very much since the day that Harry had left the manor. They had been very courteous towards him, and he repays them by asking one of the two to lie? To put on an act?

Harry, once arriving back at his dorm, pulled out a quill and began to write a letter to the Malfoy's.

Dear Lucius and Narcissa, 

I am very thankful for what you have done for me since I first met you. I also am sorry that I haven't kept in close contact, but as you know, I have been busy with current affairs. It would be nice if you wrote a letter back, telling me how you are and what you might be up to in your lives. 


       Harry Potter.

Harry went to the owlery and sent the letter off, hoping it would cheer up them both.

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