Tom Gracefield

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When Draco woke up, Harry gave him the pepperup potion. The second year girl was still in the toilet, so he went to investigate. He left Draco with Pansy, and went to the unisex toilets. Harry knocked on the door, when hearing soft cries from the other side. 

"Let me in, please. I can help you." Harry said.

"No you cannot. Nobody can." Said the voice. 

"Alright, I am going to have to use magic to get in. Alohomora." Harry opened the door, and saw a figure with long, golden hair curled up in the corner. 'She' had obviously been crying. Harry couldn't see why, so he planned to investigate. 

"Accio calming draught." Harry said, and one came flying towards him from behind. He was glad it didn't  smash on the way from the boys dorm to here.

"Have this." The second year took it, knowing better than to disobey Potter. "What's wrong?" 

The child fidgeted, looking at the floor. She opened their mouth, but closed it again.

"Tell me. Don't be embarrassed." Harry told her, sitting on the floor. 

"I don't feel like I'm... a girl..." The smaller second year said. "I mean, I feel like a boy... I know, it's weird..." 

"No, it isn't. Look, what makes you think it's weird?" Harry asked. 

"It's just, my family are all cisgender and are  proud pureblood. I feel different, but I'm still a proud pureblood. Muggles are filthy." They spatt. 

"You're right. What is your name? Have you chosen one?" Harry asked. 

"My birth name is Lily Gracefield. But, I like the name Tom. Allot." He said, crossing his legs. 

"Well, Tom. Come here..." Harry positioned Tom in front of him, and so he was facing the wall. Harry conjured a pair of scissors out of the toilet soap, and began cutting Tom's hair. The fringe went over Tom's eye, just like Harry's when he used the straightening spell, like had today.

He made sure it was done well, and then he told Tom to close his eyes. He walked in front of Tom, got out his wand. He aimed it at Tom's face, and imagined him having a male face shape. Thankfully, it worked. Then, he conjured Tom a binder to flatten his chest. 

"Tom, open your eyes and look in the mirror." He opened his eyes, and his blue eyes studied his hair, and facial shape. Tom ran up to Harry and hugged him. 

"Thank you!" He said, crying. Harry pushed him off gently, and passed him the binder he conjured.   

"Here, it's a temporary binder... and if you get me your clothes..." Harry smiled at Tom.

"Thank you again!" He said. Harry told him to get him his trunk, and he would fix it up. While he was doing that, Harry went to quickly tell Draco what he was doing.

"Draco, I'm just helping someone out with an issue, okay?" Harry told Draco.

"Okay, Heri." Draco said, smiling at him. Harry kissed him on the check, despite the audience. Harry then went back to the unisex bathroom. 

Tom was in there with his truck, all his clothes in there. They were all very feminine. Harry told him to sit down. 

They both sat, door locked, on the floor. Harry began taking pieces of clothing at transforming it into a male piece. Even Tom's school robes. 

Tom was crying in joy now. Harry told Tom to send a letter to his Mother and father. He hoped he would be okay.

"Come on, let's go see Professor Snape." Harry said, knowing his father would help Tom. He was not homophobic.

AN- Just to clarify, being transphobic is also homophobic. I know from experience, and thought it'd be interesting to write a trans character into my fic.

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