Malfoy Manor

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Chapter two, Malfoy manor

Harry, Draco and Lucius arrived to the entrance of the manor ten minutes later, and Harry had to stare in shock. It was beautiful. Draco looked at Harry, and smiled to himself. He knew they would be the greatest of friends.

"So, Mr.Potter... I was wondering, what do you know about are world?" Lucius asked. 

"Nothing, except I'm famous for apparently defeating some evil wizard, who's name I don't even know." Harry sighed. 

They where walking up the long path to the manor as they spoke. 

"Well, his name is lord Voldemort. He only tried to kill you out of fear. Someone told him you were dangerous. And he didn't mean to kill your parents. He was going to leave them." Lucius told him. 

"So, you're a follower?" Harry asked out of interest.

"I was, kind of." Lucius replied. 

"So, who should I try to avoid?" Harry asked.

"Mudbloods and blood traitors." Lucius told him.

Harry nodded. He and Draco had talked of them earlier. They sounded like a bunch of idiots. 

"I was already told of them earlier, by Draco, Mr.Malfoy." Harry tells him. 

Harry smiles at Draco when Lucius nods in approval and walks on. Draco can't help it, he holds Harry's hand for a moment. Harry didn't fidget, to his surprise. 

It was normal for someone to be so interested in someone else, surly, Draco thought. Harry was interesting, not only because he was famous.  

"Hello Mr.Potter, Draco." Narcissa said, smiling politely.

"Hello, mother." Draco replied. 

"Hello mrs.Malfoy." Harry said, and shook her hand when offered. 

"Call me Narcissa." She told him. 

"Pleasure to meet you, you can call me Harry, Narcissa." Harry said, half-smiling. Was it normal for a child to be jealous of his mother for such a reason?

"Can Harry share a room with me, since he is new to the manor?" Draco asked.

"Yes, if Harry likes." Narcissa says. Lucius nods a head and they walk in to the manor. 

"It's a lovely home." Harry say's, looking around. Finally, his eyes fall on Draco, and rest there for a moment. 

"Thank you mr.Potter." Lucius said. 

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