Chapter 18 - Miracle

Start from the beginning

The female doctor spread her legs, taking a look at her vagina. Lucky that she wore a dress. Meanwhile, Itachi shoot a dead glare to the male doctor who was also watching closely. He held her hand, giving it a kiss.

"Everything will be alright." he whispered, looking into her eyes.

"Alright, miss Uchiha. Looks like you're loose enough. Shall we start?" the female doctor asked excited like it was her who was giving birth. Sakura gulped and nodded. Itachi tightened his grip on her hand.

"Alright, now push as hard as you can."

"Aggghhhhh!" she screamed in pain, pushing the little human outside her body. Her scream could be heard even in the hallway. She took a deep breath and pushed again, and again, and again...

Itachi squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't see her in so much pain. It hurt him. If he could switch places with her, he would. He started to think that maybe this pregnancy wasn't a good decision. Maybe she should have aborted. No, she was happy about this. They both were. But he wasn't ready to see her like this, struggling.

"I can see it's head and it's black hair." the female doctor smiled brightly.

Tge male doctor stopped preparing the ustensils that they will need afterwards and took a small glance. Itachi looked him dead in the eyes, being on the edge of activating his Sharingan.

"Don't look there." he ordered in a demanding voice. The doctor sweatdropped and returned to his work. He was so deep in his jealousy that he didn't notice the crying that was heard. He kept his eyes on the doctor, not daring to look in that direction. He felt his heart melting at the sweet and innocent sound that was accompanied by his lover's chuckle.

He slowly turned his head towards the source of the sound, afraid that it is a dream that will disappear. His eyes landed on a tiny human with a bit of black hair on top of it's head. It was covered in blood but he didn't care. It was the most beautiful thing that he ever seen. His eyes became teary, trying so hard not to cry of happiness. He looked at his girlfriend who was already starring at him, smiling, her eyes full of tears as well. He couldn't say how thankful he was and how much he loved her for everything. A child was the most precious gift that she could ever give him.

"Congrulations, it's a boy." the female doctor said, handing him to the male doctor to wash him from the blood. Itachi chuckled.

"Gather your forces, darling. We are only half way through it."

Their eyes widened in shock. There was more?

"Alright, Sakura. Push the second one."



She struggled for 5 more minutes until they heard again an innocent crying. Sakura was breathing heavily with her eyes half way closed. The bed was a bloody mess. Itachi was watching her efforts with shock. She was such a strong woman despite of not being a shinobi yet.

"This one is a girl. Congrulations to the new parents." the female doctor announced cheerfully, handing her to the male doctor as her brother.

She cleaned the mess really fast since she was in a hurry.

"Lord Hokage, it was a pleasure to deliver your babies." she bowed formally. "Now, I'm expected to another birth. You should think about names. I am gonna be back afterwards."

Itachi nodded. She went out of the room.

The male doctor turned around with the two sleeping angels cleaned and wrapped in a white cloth. He handed them to Sakura, not daring to look at Itachi.

"If you need anything, I will be at the next door."

He also bowed and got out of the room, leaving alone the new parents. Itachi turned his head towards his little treasures, watching them sleep.

"You should hold one." Sakura told him, smiling.

"I-i don't think I can. Maybe they won't like me." the truth is, he saw them as such fragile creatures that needed to be protected, and he always was raised to be a tough guy. He was afraid that he would break them. She chuckled at her boyfriend's stupidity.

"What are you talking about, silly? You are their father. Of course they will like you." she gave him a beautiful smile which gave him some confidence.

He took the little girl from her arm, holding her carefully. He smiled softly at her sleeping face.

"Hi, I am your father." he said almost in a whisper. Sakura was watching as he caressed the little girl's cheek. She felt like she had anything that she needed. Her life was fulfilled and she couldn't ask for a more perfect family. Tears of happiness escaped her eyes as she couldn't wait to see Itachi taking his role of father seriously.

"I love you three." she whispered through sobs.

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