"What are you doing?" Cassie asks, as I remain seated. "Are we not leaving?"

I shake my head. "I have to stay for a little while, just so they can do some more checks, you should leave though I may be here for a while." I say with a tight smile, not really understanding why I just lied to her.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?" Cassie asks.

I shake my head. "Nope, it's nothing serious anyways, you go ahead and I'll meet you soon we can all go for lunch." I say with a warm smile.

Cassie nods and makes her way towards the exist.

After waiting for ten minutes I was moved from the waiting room to another waiting room that was on the second floor. But I didn't realise I would be waiting for another fifteen minutes, despite the doctor telling me the scan would be in ten minutes.

"Aasia Taylor?" The nurse in a light blue uniform, in contrast to the doctor who had a white gown over the dark blue uniform calls out.

Forcing a smile on my lips I walk over to the nurse, impatiently I walk inside and take a seat on the table without being asked to, I wanted to get this over and done with.

"Right, I'm just going to need you to lie back and lift your jumper up please, as I get everything ready." The nurse says gently, walking towards her desk.

I slide back onto the table and lift my jumper up, exposing most of my stomach, awkwardly I fumble around with my hand on top of my stomach, trying to cover it.

"Right, here we are." She says pulling the computer that showed the images on towards us. She squirts some light blue - almost white gel on to my stomach.

"Cold." I say awkwardly under my breath.

"Yeah it will be cold, but that's fine, it won't hurt you." She says as she brings the probe onto my stomach and moves it around spreading the gel. 

"So you think you're pregnant?" The nurse asks as she carries on moving the probe around my stomach, keeping her eyes on the screen.

"No, what makes you say that?" I ask, dumbly staring into the screen.

I feel the nurse's gaze on me for a few seconds, before it moves back onto the screen. "Because if this was a scan to check something else, you would have been told to drink two pints of water, and I can clearly see you haven't, so..." The nurse says awkwardly as she squirts more gel onto my stomach.

"That damn doctor." I mutter. "She's stuck on the thought of me being pregnant, clearly I'm not considering you've been at it for the past few minutes, and if I were, you would have found it by now." I murmur harshly closing my eyes.

The nurse doesn't reply, she just continues moving the probe around my stomach. "Oh." She says in an high pitched tone.

"What?" I ask looking at her with a raised eye brow.

"That's funny..." She says continuing to move the probe around the same area, and looking into the screen with much more attention.

She laughs, and smiles back at me. I look at her and then the screen. "I don't get it?" I say quietly. "Why are you smiling?" I furrow my brows.

"You're pregnant." She says excitedly. "The little thing was hiding." She coos. "You're almost seven weeks pregnant?" The nurse cocks her head to an angle. "Your stomach is incredibly slim for a seven week pregnant woman." The nurse smiles. "If only everyone was so lucky."

I raise my eyes brows completely, my heart lunges and I freeze. My mouth drops and my eyes widen, I couldn't bring myself to look at the screen. She wasn't right, she was wrong, there was a mistake. This can't be happening. A hint of fear injects into my veins, running through my spine I shiver, sitting straight up on the table.

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