Chapter 42 (last chapter)

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I woke up in a small cell. I jumped up and immediately sank back onto the bed, my head throbbing. I saw the thick bars opposite to me, and a man standing on the other side of them.

"Good afternoon, Bethany. I am General Forge, and I'm responsible for this prison. I run the place and give the orders. You're my new prisoner, and you will stay that way. Unfortunately for you, none of the other women put in here survived, so you'll be staying with men. There is an orange jumpsuit next to you. Strip and put it on. I'll be back in two minutes."

I looked to my right and saw a bright orange jumpsuit neatly folded on the cot. I sighed. Welcome to your new life, Beth. I stripped and pulled on the jumpsuit, not caring if anyone was watching. I refolded my old clothes and sat on the bed, ready to comply.

General Forge came back and took me to my new cell and cellmates. While we walked, he explained the daily routines.

"You'll be brought to the cafeteria for breakfast at seven. Then back to your cells until lunch at noon. After lunch, you will have an hour of free time outside. Then you will return to your cell until dinner at six. Then back to your cell. Lights out is at nine. Any questions?"

"No, sir," I said quietly.

The halls were wide, but not too wide. Cells lined the walls. Three walls of cement, one wall of metal bars. Arms and legs and heads hung out of the barred walls, along with obscene language and desperate hands. I learned to walk directly behind General Forge, or else the hands would grab me, and the guards would have to beat the prisoner back. I kept my eyes on General Forge's back and tried to ignore the yelling of the inmates.

General Forge led me to the end of one of the long hallways and unlocked the door to cell G-67. He looked at me one more time.

"You're number is 2969, but you're cellmates will most likely give you a 'nickname.' But remember your number."

The guards shoved me through the door. General Forge slammed the door shut and walked away. I ran to the bars and reached out.


General Forge turned back to me, eye brows raised.


I took a breath of the disgusting air. "Am I allowed to have any possessions?"

"That depends."

"Could... could you give me a picture of my sister, please? That's all I ask, and I swear I won't ever bother you."

General Forge looked to his right hand man next to him.

"Get the most updated picture of Cassandra Delanie Cornelius. Bring it to her as soon as you have it."

"Thank you," I whispered. General Forge continued down the hall, his men scurrying off to do his bidding.

I bit my lip and turned around to see that my cell had three men in it. All of them were very muscular and tall. They could break my back without breaking a sweat. I gulped. One of them stood and approached me. I felt myself wilt. He took my arm and practically carried me over to the others. I felt all their eyes on me.

Their cots made a little square, and they all sat on their own. There was an empty one, and that's where I was placed. The man that had taken me over here sat on his cot next to me. His voice was rough and strong, yet gentle.

"Here, in this cell, we respect each other. We protect each other. We stay together. Most men here would do anything to take you away, but that won't happen. We'll protect you if you watch our backs too."

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