Chapter 18

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Loud voices. Annoying voices. Quiet voices. Blurry images, ones I still can't comprehend. I tried moving my arms but they were missing. I tilted my head up slowly and accidentally hit my head against a wall behind me. I saw my hands tied up above my head, the circulation cut off. I looked straight ahead and saw Seth still wavering in and out of unconsciousness. I inspected the room while my head tried to calm itself down. It was a one way conversation that was about to make me have another panic attack. I took deep breaths and saw that it was a small room that was completely white. It looked like a science lab in the movies, but without the science. There was a table that had a tray full of syringes, knives, and other stuff that looked like it was meant for human dissection. I turned away from it and focused on Seth. He appeared to be in a state of unconsciousness at that moment, so I let my head flop to the side. My brain felt fuzzy and I couldn't think straight.

I heard screams echo from the hallway, and I wondered what kind of sick place this was. Then, some people entered the room. There were three of them, and they were all wearing white lab coats. One of them looked at me and noticed that I was conscious. He pointed at me and said something I couldn't comprehend. The other two walked over to me and inspected me. The leader was tall and had gray hair, I think. He ran his fingers through what was left of his hair and brought the tray of sharp thingies over to me. The other two had tested my reflexes, which were a little delayed, considering I was drugged. They checked my eyes and ears.

The leader said, "Your name?"

He looked at me expectantly. I opened my mouth and said,

"* you."

One of his eyebrows shot up into the sky while the other two contained their smirks. The leader regained his composure and cleared his throat, making the others calm themselves.

"Your name is Bethany Tiffany Cornelius, is it not?"

My brain was buzzing and freaking out. I quieted my crazy thoughts and emotions and said,

"Let me go."

Smart move, Bethany. You've really done it this time, says my brain.

SHUT UP! I internally yell at myself as the leader chuckled.

"I'm sorry; Bethany, but I can't do that. You see, you have something I want and I plan on getting it."

He picked up a syringe filled with a clear liquid and injected it into my arm, which I still couldn't feel. My face began to numb as he picked up a scalpel. The two other men held me down and the scalpel neared my face. I twisted and tried to escape the man, but I couldn't move.

The scalpel was on my face when the leader fell to the ground and dropped the scalpel. Seth was sitting up and had kicked the man in his knee. The other men loosened their grip on me and gave me an opportunity to move. I managed to knee one of them in the chin, distracting him with pain. The other man approached Seth with a scalpel. Seth kicked it out of the man's hand and kicked him in the knee as well. I stood up shakily and kicked the leader in the face and slammed my foot on his head, causing him to fall unconscious. The blood began to rush back into my arms as I flopped them around. The man I had kneed in the chin stood up and charged me. He rammed into my stomach, knocking the breath out of me. I gasped in pain and fell on my butt. The man ripped my arms out of the rope and kicked me down. He placed his foot on my chest and pulled out a knife.

I was still full of drugs and couldn't see straight. The man would have plunged the knife into my head, but I managed to dodge the deadly blow. I grabbed the man's leg and pushed. The man fell down and hit his head against the wall. Seth had just finished off the other man as I cut him free with the scalpel. Seth had strangely made copies of himself because I cut three of him free at the same time (I later realized this was because my vision was bad from the drugs). Seth rubbed his wrists and said something. I couldn't understand him, so I ignored him and looked around again. Our weapons were in the corner of the lab, so I decided to go get them. I stumbled over my own feet and would have fallen on my half numb face if Seth hadn't of caught me. He sat me down and got our weapons. My head began to clear as he strapped my bat and knife back on me.

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