Chapter 40

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The next day, I left the apartment at two thirty in the afternoon. I readjusted my backpack as I headed towards the White House. I saw a soldier, maybe in his mid-twenties, talking to a pedestrian. I watched them until they walked in opposite directions. I was about to jump out and grab him, but someone grabbed me and yanked me back into an alley. I struggled to get free and whipped around to see who it was.


My eyes widened and filled with anger. I punched him in the face. He stumbled back and pulled a gun on me. I stepped back and glared at him.


Robert smirked. "Hey, kid. Nice seeing you again."

I looked around for a way out. Unfortunately, he was blocking my only exit. He kept talking.

"I was hoping I'd find you around here. I started looking in the graveyard, then prison, and, well, I guess none of those places were lucky enough to be visited by you."

I saw someone come into the alley. Robert, however, didn't notice. I smirked.

"Oh, Robert, you never did intimate me."

The person smashed a bottle on Robert's head, knocking him out. I immediately dropped to my knees and looted Robert's unconscious body.

"Hey, Beth, did you ever consider NOT getting into fights?"

I looked up at Hank, who was giving me a look of disapproval. I shrugged.

"Living here is a false sense of security. I need to do something."

I took Robert's weapons, which was two guns and a knife. Perfect.

"What are you up to, Beth?"

"I'm breaking into the White House."

"Are you insane?!"

I shoved Robert's guns into my pants and I strapped the knife to my leg.

"Not yet. That's why I'm breaking in."


I stood and looked him in the eyes with my good eye. "You can't stop me. This is something I have to do."

"Beth, let me help you, or let me convince you to not do this! Do you realize the consequences?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes, I do. But this-this guy, the president, he is not all happy and innocent as he seems! He took something that is rightfully mine, and I have every intention to take it back."

Hank placed his hands on my shoulders. "Beth, listen to me-"

"No!" I interrupted, shaking his hands off of me. "You listen to me! I'm tired of not fighting back! I'm not letting him get away with this."

Hank made a move for my guns. I hit him on the head with the butt of one of my guns, knocking him unconscious.

"Sorry, Hank," I whispered.

I hurried out of the alley, not wanting to be behind schedule. There was an air duct that connected the guard shack at the gate entrance to the White House. It ran underground, but hopefully that wouldn't be too horrible. The guard shack was empty, so I didn't have to worry about getting caught this early on.

I sneaked into the guard shack and ripped off the vent to reveal a long tunnel shrouded in darkness. Fortunately, I had forgotten a flashlight, so I could be on edge more than usual. Haha, sarcasm! Gotta love it.

I jumped down into the vent and took a deep breath of the stale air. Obviously, the air conditioning was not a first priority when they restored the electricity. I began my journey, absolutely terrified. I had my gun out and pointed in front of me, just in case I found someone or something that was not friendly. Well, after fifteen minutes of walking, I hit a fan. I had not planned this far, but I knew I needed to take it off. I tried bending it, and that actually worked. I slid underneath the fan and picked up the pace. I knew I was almost there.

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