Chapter 33

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It was almost nightfall when a small group of insane caught up to us.

"Looooooooook at all the humans!" one of them said.

Two others licked their lips. "Yummy!"

"Want to join us for dinner?!" one cackled.

I took my bat off my back and gripped it tightly. All of us had our weapons out. The insane attacked.

A woman jumped off a car and landed on the ground in front of me. I swung my bat and hit her on the arm. She screeched in pain and tried to claw me, but I broke her hand with the bat. I yanked out my knife and stabbed her in the head. She fell to the ground, welts oozing and blood pouring from her head.

More insane were beginning to appear. I knew we needed to leave before we didn't have the chance. I tried to make my way to Seth and Hank, who were defending each other. Then, a man jumped on me and attempted to smash my head in with a rock. I managed to move my head to the side just in time. The man roared with anger and grabbed my face, pinning my head down. I struggled against him, but he was too strong. He raised his rock and I screamed, not ready to leave this earth.

Suddenly, Patch appeared. He swung an axe and chopped the man's arm off. Blood sprayed on my face as Patch finished off the man. He pushed the dead man off me and dragged me off the ground. Patch looked me in the eye.

"We have to leave."

I nodded. "I know. Let's go tell the others."

"I already did! We're meeting the town hall!"

Patch grabbed my arm and started running, with me in tow.

"Shouldn't we stay together?"

"It's too dangerous!" Patch told me quickly.

We reached the town hall half an hour later. I paced in front of the grand staircase leading to the building. Patch watched me, looking unconcerned. I gave him an exasperated look.

"Patch! We shouldn't have left."

Patch stepped closer to me... a little too close. I took one step back.

"Patch, we should go."

"No, they'll be here," he said, staring into my eyes. He was making me uneasy.

"I'm going back," I said firmly. "The baby is with them. We should never have left."

Patch grabbed my arm and yanked me closer. He didn't let go.

"Let me go," I said, trying to loosen his grip.

He didn't let go. His hand was like a steel trap, and nothing was going to make him let go without his permission. He searched my face. I averted my gaze, trying to get away from him. He pulled me into his chest and kept me there, like a hug. He sighed, content. I was really scared.

"Patch!" I yelled.

He squeezed me tighter, knocking my breath out. I was scared to do anything.

"Patch..." I said weakly.

"Something wrong?"

Patch immediately released me and I stumbled back. He turned around. Seth, covered in blood, stood behind him. He was holding C.J., and he didn't look happy. Patch held up his hands in surrender.

"She was just freaking out over nothing."

Seth said nothing. He walked over to me and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. His eyes pierced mine.

"Are you okay?" his voice asked softly.

I nodded, but he knew I was lying. He gave me C.J. and turned to Patch. His eyes were filled with anger, making Patch shiver.

"Don't touch her ever again," he said with quiet firmness. "And next time, don't leave your friends to fend for themselves."

Patch practically wilted. I touched Seth's shoulder.

"Where's Hank and Charles?"

"Looking for you two. We said we'd meet here by nightfall."

I felt so stupid. Our unspoken rule was not to split up, especially after what happened with the cannibals. Seth sensed it, somehow.

"It's not your fault, Beth, just misplaced trust." He glared at Patch.

I hugged C.J. and sat on the steps of the town hall. Patch strayed away from us, but I didn't care. Seth stood guard, waiting impatiently for Hank and Charles. It was dark when they found us. Hank was really mad; I could almost see smoke coming out of his ears.

"Where on earth were you, Beth?!" he yelled angrily.

Seth grabbed his arm. "Don't ask her, ask Patch."

Hank raised an eyebrow. "Patch?"

"Yeah. Go ask him."

Hank turned to Patch. "What's your problem?!"

They started arguing while Charles stumbled over to me. He sat next to me and patted C.J.'s head.

"Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head.

"Do you trust him?"

"I don't know."

Charles nodded. We sat in silenced for a while. He seemed nervous and very upset. Finally, he said something.

"I saw you have a fire safe, correct?"


He held out two rings. "They were Mary Grace's. Would you mind..."

I smiled and took them. "No, I don't."

I passed him the baby and placed the ring in the safe. He smiled gratefully at me.

"Beth, you let one of us know if Patch tries to hurt you, ok?"


All of us were exhausted, so we settled in for the night. We set up a watch, and then crashed.

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