Chapter 39

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I had a roommate. Clancy Fisher. He was truly the face of arrogance and pride. I stepped one foot into the apartment, and immediately he was standing right in front of me, checking me out. The creep was probably eighteen or nineteen, and had green eyes.

"Well, well, well! I knew I'd get a fine looking roommate," he said.

I gave him a dirty look and readjusted my backpack. They had given me back all my possessions, minus my weapons. I had my fire safe, backpack, and an extra pair of clothes. That's it. Clancy slid closer to me.

"Hey, I know there's two beds but..."

"Oh go screw yourself and leave me alone," I growled as I walked into the empty room. I slammed the door shut behind me and locked it.

I dropped my backpack at the door and fell on the bed, trying to push back tears. I really didn't want to deal with Clancy, but oh well. I don't really have a choice, do I? I looked out my window and saw people milling about, like life was normal. It shocked me that these people were living a normal life while so many other people were probably dying from starvation maybe a mile from their walls. I sighed and turned away from the window.

It was time to plan my attack.

First, I was going to need weapons. And I knew no one was going to tell me where they kept the guns, so I would need to go explore. That's the first order of business, find my targets and plan how to attack them.

"I should probably take a shower," I said to myself. I grabbed the extra pair of clothes the nurse gave me and walked into the bathroom connected to my room. Fortunately, Clancy was not connected to the bathroom through his room, so I was safe. I tossed the clothes on the floor and started the shower water. The nurses at the hospital didn't give me a shower or anything, which probably violates health regulations, but whatever.

I didn't even notice the mirror walking in until I almost walked in front of it. I stopped myself, unsure if I was ready to see myself again. Who knows how long it's been since I saw myself? I decided to wait until after I cleaned myself to see the horror of my being.

NEVER has a shower been so blissful. I could see months of dirt fall away, and I saw dead ticks on the shower floor. That was kind of gross. I knew the hospital had treated me for lice and had gotten rid of those, but I guess they forgot about the ticks.

I got dressed in the clothes they gave me and brushed out my hair, and that took almost half an hour. There was blow dryer, and I used that. I was never very good at doing my hair, so I ended up burning myself a bunch of times.

Finally, I was done and ready to look at myself. I stepped in front of the mirror and gasped. I looked so different than I remembered. I knew I wasn't going to be acne ridden because my mother invested in a procedure to help control my uncontrollable acne in middle school, and as a result, I would never have acne ever again.

I touched my face and hair and shoulders and stomach and legs. I pulled up my shirt and saw the place where the president shot me, which was majorly bruised. It reminded me of when I had gotten kicked in the stomach by the insane. I'm pretty sure that the gunshot had hurt worse, but I still clearly remember the pain.

Seth had saved me.

He brought me back to reality. I looked at myself, determined.

"You can do this, Beth. You have to save him."

I walked out of the bathroom, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and opened my bedroom door. Clancy came running, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to go explore the town," I said casually.

"Let me show you around! I know where everything is!"

I raised an eyebrow. "You do?"


I sighed. "Sure."

Clancy patted my shoulder. "You won't regret it."

He slipped on his shoes and led me out of the apartment building. He started babbling on about Washington, D.C. I zoned him out and looked for some sort of military building or something. I just needed two guns and then I would be fine. Clancy took us by the White House.

"This is the White House. The military has a place right next to it where they keep all their stuff."

He kept walking, but I knew where my targets were. Fortunately for me, they were right next to each other. Unfortunately, the security was top notch, so I wouldn't be breaking in. I would probably have to jump a soldier.

Clancy did a tour of the whole city, and our last stop was the hospital. I looked at it and then back at Clancy. I wanted to go see Seth. But, he couldn't know my plan. He would try to stop me. Yeah, my plan is stupid. But, I had to do it. So, I kept walking past the hospital. I would get him eyes as soon as possible.

We went back to the apartment and I locked myself in my room again. I sat in front of the window all day, scheming.

I would be going in broad daylight. Security is tighter in the evening, so mid afternoon was the best time to go. I would be grabbing a soldier off the streets, taking their weapons, and then going through the air vents to the president's office. Hopefully, he'll be in there.


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