Chapter 35

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"... So I had no idea what to do! Then Uncle Tom said to put the boat in reverse, but boats don't have a reverse! So we had to jump ship before the boat crashed."

All of us were totally enthralled by Charles's story. We were an hour into our trip, and we found the lack of action strange. So, to make up for it, we told stories.

Charles chuckled. "We had a two mile swim back to shore. That wasn't fun."

Hank laughed too. "I didn't know you were a swimmer."

"I wasn't. Tom had to help me."

All of us got a chuckle out of that.

"I really can't believe you two didn't know each other before all of this," I said. "It seems like you two have been friends forever."

Hank nodded. "Yes, but this has seemed like forever. Normal life seems like a lifetime ago."

All of us silently agreed. My mother and brother seemed more distant than ever before. But, Cassie's death replayed in my mind constantly, like a movie scene on a continuous loop. Cassie haunted me. Her smile, laugh, eyes, hair, personality. Everything. She never left my brain, a constant excruciating pain every hour.

"Beth, do you have any stories?" asked Charles.

I tried to think of a happy memory.

"I don't really have any good ones. My family never really went on vacation."

"It doesn't have to be from vacation."

I sighed deeply. "My family never really created any happy memories."

Charles turned around and looked me dead in the eye.

"Beth, you're like a daughter to me. You can tell us anything. You tell us anything you want off your chest. We aren't pushing, but I want you to know that."

I sighed again. "I trust all of you. I guess I could tell you."

Everyone waited for me to start. Seth took my hand for support. I took a deep breath.

"I don't remember a time when my father wasn't angry or drunk or smoking. He was the worst father on the planet. He would beat my mom, me, Cassie, even my brother. We couldn't escape. It was horrible. It was like living in hell. I woke up depressed and went to bed suicidal. I had no friends. No one wanted to be my friend.

I always had bruises on my face and arms. I always had a swollen lip or cuts on me. My mother did nothing to stop my father. She loved us, but she didn't do anything to help. My brother was always at parties, boasting his ability to escape the house. Cassie was truly the only person who ever cared for me. Me and her... we were so close. Whenever one of us were beaten or punished, we would comfort each other. We would protect each other.

I loved Cassie more than I loved my mother, no matter how sad that is. I defended her against my father. I tried so hard to take all her punishments. Seeing her cry was the worst thing I've ever experienced, not including her death. Since I was an outcast, I always told her everything. She knew my darkest secrets.

When I started having panic attacks, that's when things got worse. I had an extreme fear of men. If one of them even touched me, I would freak out. My father had scarred me so deeply; I didn't think I would recover. But, I have. I've found a new will to live, thanks to all of you."

Seth squeezed my hand and I gave him a grateful look. Hank was visibly upset.

"Beth... I'm so sorry."

I looked at him. "What?"

Hank was holding back tears. "I... yelled at you. I HIT you. I did horrible things to you. I'm so sorry. When we argued, I didn't even think for a second that you were hurt and scarred. I'm sorry."

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