Chapter 28

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We reached Cornelia by nightfall. We found an abandoned two story house in the suburbs and crashed. We still had people on watch, though. We were more alert and prepared now. I got the early morning watch. I set up on the second floor in front of a window that looked out at the neighborhood.

I was flipping through a book the previous owner's had left in the house when movement outside caught my eye. I saw an insane stumbling down the street. I checked to make sure I had put the silencer on my gun before taking aim. I shot the insane clean through the chest, killing him. I ripped my hands away from the gun and sat down.

I hated shooting the insane. Correction, I hated killing the insane. They still looked so human. Zombies, for instance, look very unhuman. But these things aren't. I know they aren't human mentally, but the physical appearance changes so many things for me. The only thing that allows me to kill them is their eyes. The emptiness and coldness in their eyes gives away what the physical appearance tries to hide.

We hit the road as soon as possible. After everything that's happened, we all were more urgent in getting there. No one talked until we stopped in Buford, where it seemed to be a bit more populated with people than Clayton and Cornelia. We passed two or three buildings were the lights were on and shadows of people crowded the windows, staring at us. We didn't stop to ask for help, though. We just continued until we found an abandoned part of a neighborhood and crashed in one of the houses.

When I woke up the next morning, it was raining. I sighed and shoved my feet into my shoes. Buford was an estimate of ten hours away from the CDC, and we were hoping to make it there today. But, the rain might hold us back.

I entered the kitchen and saw Charles, Hank, and Seth discussing the plans. I sat down next to Seth. Charles said,

"Morning, Beth."


Hank looked at me. "We're debating about whether or not we should leave today or stay until the rain blows over."

I scratched my chin. "What are our disadvantages if we go in the rain?"

"Less agility. We'll be wet and miserable. Depending on how bad it gets, we could lose some sight, which could allow the insane to sneak up on us."

"Yeah, but they wouldn't be able to see either. And if we're alert enough, we should be able to hear them."

"This is going to be a ten to eleven hour trip. If we leave now, we should make it just after nightfall."

I looked to Seth, who was looking at me. He said softly,

"I think we should go."

I nodded. "Then I think we should too."

Charles stood. "Then let's go."

We left as soon as possible. It was the worst experience ever. Trudging through the downpour of rain while fending off insane wasn't exactly something I'd consider "pleasant." Well, we survived and reached the CDC just after nightfall.

It had changed since the last time I saw it. A gigantic concrete wall completely surrounding the CDC property. There was a colossal metal door staring us in the face. Sentry posts and stations were everywhere along the wall. Bright halogen lights were placed every couple hundred feet on the wall. Two were turned and pointed straight at us. I couldn't see anything as I shielded my eyes from the bright light. Someone shouted down at us,

"Who are you?"

Hank yelled back, "This is my group from Dillard!"

"Give me your full name!"

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