Chapter 23

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It was the dog that gave them away. The dog that had ran by the window of the camper, covered in blood and whimpering. I stood up and took a peek out the window. I swore under my breath and practically fell over trying to wake everyone up. I hissed,

"There's a mob! Everyone get up!"

Charles and Hank jumped up and looked out the window. The woods were filled with the noise of screaming and cackling. I knew we couldn't stay in the RV. We wouldn't last two minutes. I began to help Carrie prepare Gigi. Gigi grabbed Carrie's earring and tried to yank it out of Carrie's ear. Carrie yelped and tore Gigi's hand away. She took the earrings out and asked me to hold them. I obediently put them in my pocket.

"Everyone run!" yelled Charles.

The mob had picked up speed and was coming straight for us. Hank broke through the RV door and we all broke out into a sprint as the insane followed us. My adrenaline fueled me as I ran with Danielle and Carrie, who were both holding their babies. Charles and Hank led the pack while Seth scooped up Dexter and led Mary Grace and Benjamin. We strayed into the woods, trying to throw the insane off our trail. The screaming and yelling was getting louder.

Then Carrie tripped.

She fell face first on the ground, and didn't move. I pushed Danielle forward and grabbed Carrie's arm. Gigi was crying under the weight of Carrie. Carrie's head had hit a rock and she was extremely dazed and almost unconscious. I shook her desperately.

"Carrie, get up! Get up, Carrie!"

An insane teen jumped from the trees and onto me. I fell to the ground, stunned. The insane teen reached for my throat but I grabbed his wrists and pushed against him. The mob had caught up to us and had surrounded Carrie and the baby. Hank had come back and began fighting his way to Carrie. I grabbed my knife strapped to my leg and plunged it into the teen's skull. Before his welts burst, I pushed him away and ripped my knife from him.

I jumped up and saw Carrie looking around wildly. I yelled her name and she looked at me.

I saw it in her eyes. She knew she was gonna die. The insane were already clawing at her. She desperately glanced down at her baby, kissed her, and then looked back at me. She managed to cry out,


She threw Gigi as hard as she could to me. I lunged and wrapped Gigi in my arms. I did a barrel roll and struggled to get up. I looked down at Gigi and stifled a cry.

Welts were forming on Gigi's face.

I bit my lip and let out another strangled cry. Gigi looked up at me, her eyes beginning to lose their humanity. I slowly pulled out my knife and watched my hand shake violently. I looked up and saw Hank fighting insane. The insane were crowded around Carrie, eating her. I turned my attention back to Gigi. I carefully removed her flower headband and whispered,

"It won't hurt, Gigi."

I thrust my knife into her head, killing her. I stood, holding her corpse. The head band dangled loosely from my hand. Hank turned back to me and saw the blood pouring from Gigi's head and dripping from my knife. He saw the pain on my face and he knew instantly that Gigi had turned insane. He only yelled louder and said,

"Get out of here, Beth! Go!"

I didn't question him and I ran, bringing Gigi with me. I stumbled and tripped through the woods, away from the insane. I could feel my tears flying off my face. I didn't stop running until a hand reached out and grabbed me. I jerked to a stop suddenly and almost fell. I thrust my knife towards the person, but someone else caught my wrist and said,

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