Chapter 16

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We pulled into the neighborhood of the house, and I could see it on that proud hill. The white house was beautiful, but it brought back a horror that I'll never forget. As we neared, I could see the minivan parked in the driveway, and our whole group was waiting by it. When we pulled up, everyone rushed over to us and helped Danielle out.

Carrie and Mary Grace flew into action. They instructed Hank and Charles to place Danielle in the back of the truck. I suggested that we take her into the house, but apparently Hank had lost the keys to the house during the escape. So, Danielle would be giving birth to her kid in the bed of a truck.

"Beth!" said Mary Grace as she stripped Danielle and began preparing her for birth. "I need you to comfort Danielle. This is her first time, and her husband isn't here to help. Please."

I nodded and looked at Lux. "Make sure nothing happens to Cassie."

Lux saluted and pushed me to the truck. I hopped in and took hold of Danielle's hand. She clung to my arm as she cried and screamed. Hank pulled Charles aside and whispered something to him. I couldn't read his lips; Danielle was distracting me. But, judging by Charles's face, I knew something was wrong. Charles began swearing loudly. Seth ran over and the three conversed. Danielle screamed again. Seth ran over to us.

"Beth, you need to put this in Danielle's mouth. She can't be screaming."

He handed me a folded piece of cloth. I never questioned Seth anymore, so I obediently stuffed the cloth in her mouth. Seth leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"There's a mob two neighborhoods over."

My eyes widened and opened my mouth, but Seth shushed me.

"Don't tell anyone. Just do. Not. Let. Her. Scream."

I nodded and put my attention on Danielle. Carrie and Mary Grace were watching for the baby. Danielle moaned and cried.

One hour later, Danielle gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She cradled her in her arms as she rocked back and forth. Apparently, she had been having contractions all day, or so said Carrie. Charles called out,

"Everyone, we got to go. There's a mob on its way and we can't risk staying here."

Hank tried to start the van. And, shocker, it didn't start. Charles threw out some expletives and kicked the van's tire. I'm pretty sure Hank said some bad stuff too, but I'm not going to try and repeat it. They decided to put everyone in the truck. Danielle, Carrie, Mary Grace, and all the kids were put in first. Cassie stayed by me, though. There wasn't enough room for everyone, I knew that.

Charles and Hank decided that some would have to walk. Seth and I were first to volunteer. Lux offered as well. Charles said he would walk with us. Hank nodded and hopped into the driver's seat of the truck. I turned to Cassie, who was still standing next to me. We were dangerously close to the mob, like, they were a block away.

"Cassie, get in the truck."

I already knew a fight was bound to happen. Cassie shook her head.

"No. I'm staying with you!"

I grabbed her shoulders. "No! Cassie, this is going to be dangerous. I-I can't lose you."

Cassie looked up at me, her blue eyes determined. "And I can't lose you."

We argued, until Charles grabbed Cassie by the armpits and swung her into the truck. Cassie screamed and kicked. She yelled,

"No! No! I want to stay with Beth!"

This is when I made a decision I'll never forget. I softened and said,

"Let her come. She can handle herself."

Charles did not seem persuaded.

Seth straightened up. "I WILL NOT let ANYTHING happen to her."

I looked at him gratefully and then helped Cassie down from the truck. She pulled out her kitchen knife and nodded to me.

"I'm not leaving you, Bethy."

Charles didn't question my choice. We watched the truck pull away. Mary Grace blew a kiss to Charles, who blew one back. He turned to us.

"Let's go."

We dove into the woods. We walked at a quick pace for a long time. It had to be a couple of hours. The sun was starting to set, and darkness was chasing us. Lux was starting to freak out.

"Charles, how much longer?"

"We should be there in a couple of hours."

Lux glanced behind us nervously. "Do you think the mob is chasing us?"

Charles shook his head. "No. We were ahead enough, so they shouldn't be able to follow our scent."

Lux walked close to me and whispered, "Is he right?"

"I hope so."

Lux looked into my eyes. "I-I want to say something."

I tried to smile. "Um, sure."

"Beth, I know we haven't known each other for long, but I just wanted to say that I like you a lot and-"

I saw a hand tighten around Lux's neck and lift him off the ground. A man emerged from behind a tree. Charles and Seth turned around and pulled out their guns. I just stared at the man and Lux. Lux reached out to me, gasping for air. Cassie screamed and hid behind me. The man laughed.

"What's wrong, Cassandra?! Scared to see your old man again?! HAHAHAHA!"

I was filled with fear as I stared into the face of my dad. Cassie continued to scream as Lux's face got purple. Seth didn't hesitate and he took a shot at my father. He missed anything vital, but he did hit his arm. The gunshot broke my fear comatose and I attacked my dad. He was still wearing Aaron's jacket. I clawed at him and tried to loosen his grip. My dad swung around and dodged bullets. I saw Lux's arms go slack and his breath slip away. I screamed and punched my dad in the face. Finally, Seth shot him square in the forehead. My father died instantly, but he took Lux's life with him. I picked up one of Lux's shoes that had fallen off in the fight. I placed it in my backpack and took Aaron's jacket off of my dad. I put it on Cassie, who was shivering.

We didn't have a choice. We had to bury Lux there. We couldn't carry him; we could hear insane roaming the forest and we had to leave. Tears flowed freely from my eyes as Seth placed the last bit of dirt on top of Lux's grave. We then had to rush off, leaving poor, gentle, sweet Lux in the ground.

No one talked. Charles did mumble a lot, but none of us cared or tried to decipher it. Seth was very alert, checking everything we came across, shotgun ready. Charles led us to a neighborhood that was completely deserted. It bothered me that we hadn't come across anyone or anything. Where was everyone?

Everyone was dead, Bethany, you hopeful idiot.

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