Chapter 5

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It didn't take us long to get to Hank and Charles's camp. It was in the grocery store that my mom would shop at. I wished she was here, so I didn't have to be so strong for Cassie. Hank stepped out of the car, keeping his eyes peeled for insane. Charles escorted us inside, helping us carry the supplies in. We were immediately greeted by two little boys, who threw themselves on Charles.

"Daddy! Daddy!" they both cried as Charles tried to keep his balance. He smiled.

"Hey, kids."

He hugged them back and set them down. The two boys noticed me and Cassie and they hid behind Charles. Charles introduced us.

"Ladies, this is Benjamin."

Benjamin had long blond hair and freckles. He waved.

"He's eight years old. His younger brother is Dexter, who is six."

Dexter also had blond hair, but it was short and spiky. He smiled shyly.

"Um... do you mind sharing your names?"

Cassie looked up at me, wanting to know if it was okay. I shrugged.

"Yeah, this is Cassie. And I'm Bethany, but you can call me Beth."

Charles nodded, grateful for us sharing our names. "Alright, Beth and Cassie, let's go meet the others."

We walked through the abandoned grocery store to the back section, where there was a mini camp set up in the bakery. There were cardboard box houses and sleeping bags strewn about. Clothes lines hung in random places, holding up wet clothing. I heard a clang and turned back. Hank was shutting the doors and barring them with metal gates that were suspended from the ceiling. I turned towards the bakery and saw people emerging from their "houses." Charles stepped over to them and kissed a woman, who was folding clothes. Charles led us into the camp and announced,

"These two lovely little ladies will be living with us for now on. This is Beth and Cassie."

The woman smiled at us.

"Hello, Beth and Cassie, I'm Mary Grace, Charles's wife. I'm assuming you've already met my sons. You're more than welcome to stay with us, or you may stay on your own. Or, I'm sure Carrie and Hank would let you live with them."

I nodded. "Thank you, ma'am. We would be honored to stay with you."

Mary Grace beamed. "I was hoping you would say that. I'm so happy you've come! We needed hope that others had survived."

I agreed. "So did we."

Mary Grace looked inside their cardboard house and then said,

"You may sleep in the far right corner, with the boys."

I smiled and thanked her again. Cassie and I stepped inside the house and set our stuff where she instructed us. Cassie gently set down her knife and looked up at me.

"I hate carrying it around."

"It's okay, Cassie. I think we'll be safe here."

Cassie looked back down at the gleaming knife.

"I hope so, Bethy."

I kept my bat and knives on me, just to be safe. I was the defender of our family, right? I should have the freedom of carrying weapons. It is America.

"Girls, why don't you come meet everyone else," exclaimed Mary Grace.

Cassie and I crawled back out of the cardboard house and stood beside Mary Grace.

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