Chapter 10

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They ended up using me as an interpreter, which I didn't do too bad on, I must say. I only mixed up a couple of words, resulting in more angry Spanish words. But, lunch was finally done, and we all ate. I sat by Lux and Cassie. Seth didn't join us for the meal; he went to take watch. I was about to go sit with him, but Hank spoke first.

"Guys, we need to talk."

The whole group looked up from their food and conversation. Hank and Charles glanced at each other before Hank spoke again.

"We need to take a vote. We have plenty of food, but we are unsure if this place could remain safe for the group. We need to vote on whether we should leave or not."

Charles said, "It's a simple vote, but important. All in favor of leaving raise your hand."

I think I was one of the only ones that raised their hand. Cassie followed my lead, like she always did. Seth and Juan were guarding, so who knows what they think. Charles nodded to me.

"We always ask why, so we are asking you why you believe we should leave."

"Those things out there are smarter than we take them to be. When Cassie and I were back at our house, there was insane building a ladder out of our trees. They had found a saw, sawed down a tree, and were making a ladder. I'll bet most of us don't know how to build a ladder. If we stay, they are going to figure out we are in here. And when they do, it's not gonna be good. It will be when we least expect it, and we will most likely die or go insane. We shouldn't stay in the same place for too long."

I could see the doubt on everyone's face. No one actually believed me, which I was used to. But, in this kind of situation, they needed to listen to me. I'm pretty sure Hank, Charles, and Seth were the only ones that had come into close proximity to insane, other than me. I pleaded,

"You have to believe me."

"Let's retake the vote," said Charles. "All in favor of leaving raise your hand."

This time, Lux was the only other person who raised their hand. I huffed, frustrated, and stood.

"Your funeral."

I quickly exited the bakery and went out into the store. I found myself wander to the checkout counters, where Seth was posted, cleaning his knives. He watched me approach him, and nodded hello. I sat in the register across from him.

"They don't want to leave."

Seth kept a steady gaze on me to let me know he was listening.

"They think we are safe here! But we aren't. I don't know how to convince them of otherwise."

"Let them stay. We can handle the insane and they can't. They'll get what they asked for."


"But nothing. It's their choice. You can leave, if you want."

"But we have nowhere to go and don't know anyone."

Seth raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you upset with these people not wanting to leave? They have the same predicament. This is the only safe place they're aware of, and it will stay that way until insane figure out we're in here."

I sighed. "Why are you always right?"

"I'm not."

"Apparently, you are."

Seth reached underneath the counter top and tossed something at me. It was a picture.

"I'm not."

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