Chapter 22

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We all followed Hank and Charles to the front of the house. Hank said,

"The interstate is only a few miles up the road from here."

Charles gave me two guns and gave me a short nod. I shoved them into my waist band in my pants and took long strides to catch up to Seth. Charles glanced back at us.

"Two of us need to be in the back."

Seth immediately fell back behind everyone. Hank walked back with him. I swung my bat lazily by my side as Charles fell into pace with me.

"Are you okay? Did Hank hurt you badly?"

I shook my head.

"Can I ask you another question?"

"You just did," I replied, uninterested in conversation.

"* you, Beth," he said with a grin.

I couldn't help but smirk. "Yes, Charles. What do you want?"

"Does Hank... scare you?"


"Does he make you feel... insecure?"

"No... why do you ask?"

Charles let out a long breath. "You just seem to totally fold in on yourself whenever he's hit you."

"Charles, are you stupid?"

I saw a glint of distain in Charles's eyes. "Sorry. I just think it would be strange for someone not to recoil and get upset when someone hits you."

I raised an eyebrow and he continued. "Yeah, I totally phrased that incorrectly. Sorry. I know that I would recoil as well, but in your eyes, there's this look of utter helplessness and fear. It looks like you've just seen someone get eaten alive and you're about to discover the same fate. But, that's not the case. So, why do you have that look of being terrified?"

I sucked in air. "I don't know. I've never been hit like that before?"

Charles chuckled at my statement question. He knew I was lying, but he didn't press it. In fact, he went along with it.

"Well, Beth, I know that Hank is tough to bond with. But, I swear he's a good guy. He just has a rough exterior. Inside, he's really sweet and tender. You just have to let him warm up to ya, that's all."

"Thanks for the advice," I said.

Charles lowered his voice. "What can you make of the quiet kid?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Lux would call him the Mystery Man."

"Yeah, Lux was jealous of that guy, you know?"

"I knew that."

"Anyway, what do you think of him?"

I sighed and popped my neck. "I think he's a good guy. I trust him with my life."

Charles scratched his stubble chin. "I don't know about him. I haven't figured him out yet."

"Neither have I."

Hank jogged up to us. "Anyone wanna trade? This guy will not have a conversation with me."

Charles socked Hank in the shoulder playfully. "Get over it. Beth and I were having a nice conversation up here."

"I don't care! Beth, why don't you go back there with him? He talks to you."

I gave him a bewildered look. "Hank, what does it matter?"

Hank huffed. "Just go back there with him. I have some stuff to discuss with Charles."

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