Chapter 6

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My nightmares were always the worst part of sleeping. Every night I dreamed of my father, who consumed my fears and dreams. That night, I found myself sitting at the edge of the bakery, looking out into the darkness of the grocery store, listening to the faint whispers of Hank and Charles. I heard shuffling behind me and I whipped around, my knife ready. It was Cassie. She jumped back, frightened. I sighed and put up my knife. She sat by me and cuddled up next to me.

"Bethy?" she whispered.


"I like it here."

I smiled slightly. "I do too. Did you make any new friends yet?"

"Yes. Benjamin is funny and cool to hang out with. Gigi is really cute and she likes me a lot, or that's what Mrs. Carrie says."

I nodded and turned back to the darkness. Cassie looked up at me.

"What about you?"

"Lux is pretty nice. That one guy, the quiet one, I want to talk to him tomorrow. I could see it in his eyes. He was alert, focused, smart, but very alone."

"How did you think that?"

"I don't know. I could just see it."

"Benjamin said that he collects teeth and that he's really creepy."

I looked down at Cassie, badly suppressing a smile. "What made him say that?"

"Benjamin has seen the teeth he's collected!"

"Ah. Well, I'll ask about that for you, okay?"

Cassie's wide, innocent eyes stared up at me. "Just don't let him take yours!"

I laughed. "Okay. I won't. You should probably go back to bed. I'll join you in a minute."

Cassie nodded and crawled into the house. I watched her, and then saw the mysterious boy watching me. He didn't look away, he only stared. I gripped the hilt of my knife. What was his problem? Can I not have any privacy?

I crept back into the cardboard house and laid down beside Cassie, who smiled at me. I smiled back and closed my eyes, and immediately fell asleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I immediately felt exposed. I wasn't wearing my flannel shirt, only my tank top. I jumped up and looked at the person wide eyed. It was only Cassie, who giggled.

"It's okay, Bethy. I've seen you like that before."

I rolled my eyes. "Hilarious."

I pulled on my shirt and grabbed my bat. I strapped it on my back and followed Cassie out of the house. Breakfast was cooking over the fire and Lux immediately found me.

"Hey, Beth! Did you sleep well?" he eagerly asked. I noticed he had bright blue eyes.

"Yeah. You?"

He nodded. "Yes, I did. Ready for breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm starving," I said, though I wasn't sure if I was actually hungry or not.

I searched the faces for the mysterious boy, but he was gone, along with Juan. They must be on their shift. I followed Lux to the fire, where Mary Grace, Carrie, and Danielle were cooking. Danielle tried to talk to Carrie, but Carrie said really loud and slowly.


Danielle gave her a very confused look. I hurried over.

"¿Qué hay de malo Danielle?"

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