Sam Drake (Affair)

Start from the beginning

When you first seen the guy it was the first thing you noticed. His smirk played with your mind but his hazels stirred something inside of you. God he was a charmer and you couldn't help but sneak a few glances when he was with Matt or just nursing a beer in the kitchen. You had spoken both briefly but he wasn't shy in slipping a few flirts in his words. Specially portuguese flirts you understood and left Matt oblivious. God, it didn't help you look at him any differently. There was something turning gears in that smart head of his.

"You just stand there staring or at the very least gimme an olá" then emerges the smirk and his witty charm of Portuguese. "Cause I'm desperate for some company with someone that's actually alive... And sure as hell isn't as boring as a brick wall"
"Well I highly doubt I'm as interesting as whoever you're reading up on"
"Well, If you didnt spend half your life typing the world's lousiest diaries then you're interesting"
You snort at his words with a playful eyeroll and approach around the desk next to him before he breaks into laughter, "holy shit you had a diary didn't you?" He obviously had taken your silence to be the reason for that jump.
"What?! No I didn't" You deny quickly coming to a realisation that you indeed had one back in high school. You knew about it but no one else did.
"That tone certainly tells otherwise. C'mon, you can tell me" his smooth language beamed that smirk as he nudged my arm slightly.
"Ah... No denying this time"
"Oh can it" fed up with his cockiness you try dig yourself from a hole of embarrassment and change the subject back to his studies.
"Oh I bet you wrote up all kinds of stuff... Dear diary, oh my god Chad looked at me today!" His laughter returned quick enough as he mimicked the world's worst feminine voice that even caused you to laugh. Even turning to Sam now he had one of the manuscripts in his hands, pretending to read his guess of your so called diary, "dear diary, I kissed Chad... Oh Garota suja (oh, dirty girl)"
Unable to shush him he was quick to interject over your persuasions to stop where he lead his dear diaries into graphic scenes involving a so called Chad. You called his name to stop and soon enough snatched the sheet from his fingers, "okay wise guy story time is over."
"But I got another story" He pipes. "About a married girl who likes to oggle her husbands co worker"
You almost freeze at his words, "Excuse me?"
"Don't even play that game again (Y/N). Yesterday? I was saw you eyeing me"
There was no ability in your body to deny him. He was hitting the nail on the head there. You never even realised until you were indeed caught in the act by his dreaded orbs darting up behind his glass of scotch, smirk blurred behind his ice.

"There is no point denying what is actually true. I can read you like a book"

Eventually, he came to stand before you, still gazing at every bit of you with unabashed adoration and undisguised lust.

"I know a lot"

One hand - fingers spread wide - ended up at the small of your back, "I know Matt hasn't made you feel..." the other coming up to lift your chin for his lips to ghost across your own.

He took his time there, too, seeing the change in your eyes as they barely closed, knowing you were taking in his words but also becoming eager for the kiss he was teasing - your lips were moist and parted, that sweet teaberry breath coming much more quickly than the usually steady rhythm he knew from you, your eyes already settling onto his mouth, the corners of which automatically turned up gently in quiet acknowledgement of your sudden and longing unspoken need.

"He never has time for me..."

Index finger still beneath your chin, Sam leaned slowly down so that his lips hovered over further.

"He's a blind fool (Y/N)... I mean look at you" he grins, teeth gleaming as his eye trails over to the mess of papers on the desk.

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