Chapter 38: The gem

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When Superman and Martian Manhunter arrive they see a crying Wonder Girl next to a monster "They... They all fell into the river" Artemis says and Ace seema to pick up a trail from something "Shadow's ring" Wally says picking it up and he looks at the dog "Superboy, Wonder Girl, Superman and I will look for them" he says and pets Ace as they head of.

The bat family however fell of a waterfall so no many are awake "Shadow, Robin, Batgirl, Red Hood..." Batman mumbles and he dives into the lake again, coming up with a bleeding Nightwing and he looks around as he puts the 5 near each other after taking care of the many reopened wounds "Bats..." Red Hood says slowly getting up and Batman runs over "Worry about Nightwing first, he got shot just yesterday" the male says and they hear coughing "Easy" Red Hood says to his youngest sister, since Batgirl is older and Shadow says "So not feeling the aster right now". They all slowly come to except for Nightwing "That bloody idiot" Shadow says resting her head on his chest to chest for a heartbeat and she sighs in relief when she finds one "He protected me and Robin from hitting rocks. And from the look on your face you know I'm not fully healed" she says and Batman walks over to her "You were stabbed a lot of times, survived one explosion, got stabbed again and you got caught in the second explosion which you set off" he says and Shadow sighs "I know I know, I'll bring my outfit to the batcave so you can put it with the others that aren't in use anymore, this is my very last mission as a member of the team" she says and adds "I gotta use that invitation to join the League sometimes, but not as a member of the bat family, I'm not anymore Batman, I dropped that when I told Nightwing to tell everyone Shadow Angel is gone forever" "I understand" Batman says and they get brought back to the current situation when Batgirl says "Nightwing is dying, we have to help him". They check his injury and see it got worse "God dammit! I wish we could heal him" Robin says and Shadow rolls her eyes as she moves Nightsing to a sitting position and she takes of the top of his costume so Batgirl can put new bandage around the wound "Don't give me that look Jason" Shadow says and the said boy starts laughing "Come on, you could've put new bandages around it without all that" he says and Batgirl and Shadow say at the same time "No we couldn't", this earn Batgirl a glare with a message the red head knows all too well 'try it and I'll make sure to ruin your entire life', so she nods and Shadow hugs her boyfriend "Mine" she hisses towards Batgirl earning a sweatdrop from Batman "How does that go when you pick him up from work?" he asks as Batgirl finishes so Shadow puts Nightwing's costume shirt/armor on again "First time all his female colleagues were gathered around him, which I didn't like, so I walked up and told him to hurry it up. They demanded to know who I was so he walked over and put an arm around me saying that I'm girlfriend, then we left. Second time I ran up to him and hugged him, which was after hearing my first book was a huge hit, so the publisher had given me two tickets to a play to celebrate and of course I got glared at, but then his boss walked over and said 'Grayson, go spend some time with your girlfriend', he still had half an hour to go but he left after ruffling my hair and getting his stuff" Shadow says and she sighs "But if we don't help him soon then there'll be no need for that anymore" she mumbles, so Robin says "The gem, you have it" "I doubt it'll give me healing powers Robin" Shadow says so Batgirl says "Maybe with me" "Her hands had a green glow before we freed her" Red Hood says so Shadow hands the gem to Batgirl who looks at her "You're the test subject, so you guys go and find some wood" she says and the males nod, not wanting to face the wrath of either of those two girls "Girls are scary" Robin says and Batman says "Not all of them are".

When they come back they see Shadow stretching and Batgirl trying to heal Nightwing "It's going very slowly, just finished with her a minute ago" Batgirl says and they look at Shadow who's doing some backflips with ease again. Batgirl sighs and says "I can't heal the last part I'm drained", she hands the gem back to Shadow who puts it away again. "Oh I can apparently enter dreams with that thing" Shadow says "Or cause people nightmares after putting them to sleep" she adds. They have a fire and Batgirl plops down next to Red Hood who looks a little uneasy "Dude... You're worse them Robin" Shadow says and she looks at Nightwing, who was doing better by now, they finally hear him groan and they all turn to him "Ugh, my head hurts" he says and he moves over so he sits between Batgirl and Shadow "Bats, we need more girls" Batgirl says and Shadow adds bluntly to that "And a mother too", if Batman wasn't wearing a cowl that hid his face they would see a small blush forming, but he remains quiet "For gods sake Bruce, you trained us, you can't expect us not to notice" Nightwing says and the rest nods in agreement "Just get some rest" Bruce says and he adds "I want that gem destroyed before we leave" "Sure" Shadow says as she rests her head on Nightwing's shoulder and he puts an arm around her "It's cold" she says and sighs, they were all soaking wet from the rain and there was no sun at all, Batgirl nods and says "We should have blown up the lab" "Way ahead of you" Robin says and they hear an explosion in the distance "I just couldn't do that with Shadow being so close to it" he explains and Shadow sighs "I'm sorry" she says, being captured, nearly killed in two explosions and stabbed that many times left her scared "It's going to be fine" Nightwing says and he looks at the sky "Can't tell if it's day or night", after a while Robin, Batgirl and Shadow fell asleep and Nightwing sighs "So wished I didn't ditch the cape right now" he says and he lays on his back so Shadow is now laying with her head on his chest "Capes are a pain" Red Hood says Nightwing chuckles "Not at moments like these", they hear growling nearby and Nightwing sits up slowly so Shadow won't fall down and he looks around "Whatever that was is hungry" Batman says scaring both his sons who are awake and Red Hood moves Batgirl against Robin "But waking them isn't smart either", the monster that got them in that situation in the first place walks over and Nightwing whispers "Be very quiet". The creature walks forward, but is hit by someone and Batman looks to see Kid Flash and Wonder Girl arriving and the bioship lands a bit away from them "They fell asleep" Nightwing says getting up and he walks over carrying Shadow and Batman follows with Robin leaving Red Hood to carry Batgirl.

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