Chapter 29: The test part 2

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When Nightwing arrives at the mountain later that week he's greeted by Wally "Is Artemis at your place?" the speedster asks, but Nightwing shakes his head as he enters the living area "No girls?" he asks, but Robin says "They could be taking a shopping trip for all we know" "Expect that Shadow has a deadline, which is tomorrow" Nightwing says, at that moment Batman walks in "Where are Shadow and Batgirl?" he asks, but everyone says "Not a clue" "The female leaguers are getting back at me" Batman says, that is enough to get everyone's attention "You mean to say that they 'kidnapped' the girls?" Red Hood asks earning a nod "But where are they then?" Beast Boy asks and Green Arrow walks in and hands Batman a note "Wonder Woman told me to give that to you" he says "And we start our search where?" Blue Beetle asks and Batman says "Gotham sewers". So they arrive in the sewers and they hear sonething that appears to be fighting "Blue Beetle go" Nightwing says and he looks at the others "We know the girls don't take lightly to being kidnapped, so they'd be struggling" he says, they hear a Canary cry and then someone hitting a pillar so the group runs over, only to find no one "This is Shadow's necklace" Robin says taking the object and he looks at Nightwing "But she beat Batman" he adds "With that difference that Batman doesn't have a canary cry" Nightwing says and they hear someone walking, so they follow. "A dead end" Beast Boy says, but there's a message on the wall saying 'Find them at their favorite places'.

Back at the mountain everyone is pacing "What is everyone's favorite place?" Blue Beetle asks so everyone else starts thinking "Industrial site" Nightwing says "When Shadow and I took trip to the future she admired the tower standing there, a tower with high luxery homes and everything" he explains and adds "Then back here she would often check on the progress they made and pointing out obvious faults in the building schematics". They head there and see Black Canary standing on top of the nearly finished tower "I never bothered to ask her if she could swim" she says after jumping down "Meaning?" Robin asks and Nightwing checks the coast "The tide is rising" he says and Connor follows the shore to check "There" he says and adds "But we better hurry" "Well she did put up a fight" Black Canary says taking her eyes of Red Hood for a moment and the said male disappears as a wave crashes down on the shore "I can't find Shadow anymore" Connor says, but he adds "And Red Hood disappeared" "I'm here" Red Hood says before discarting his mask and diving in "Now why are you doing this?" Nightwing asks and Black Canary says "Well Batman isn't really convinced we need more female League members, we're just proving him wrong by outsmarting him", she heads of and Nightwing runs over to Red Hood who got Shadow "Thank goodness" he says taking the girl "We'll do this one each day, you have until tomorrow noon to think about the places where the others are" they hear Black Canary say. The Bat family head of to Wayne Manor since they're in Gotham anyway and Jason asks "Will she be alright?" "She will" Tim says and Alfred opens the door "I'll prepare some soup for you, please bring miss Amber to her room". That evening Tim, Jason and Dick are watching TV when Amber walks in with a blanket around her "Alfred's making you his secret soup" Jason says as his sister sits down "Where's Bruce?" she asks leaning again Dick who says "Giving Black Canary an earful about nearly killing you" "Miss Amber here's your dinner, please rest up here until your better" Alfred says and he goes to open the door when the doorbell rings and Wally speeds in "Amber thank goodness you're alright" he says and he hands her the soup bowl "Thanks Wally" she mumbles "I don't know where Arty is, sorry, I do know that M'gann's favorite place the bioship is" she says eating some soup "And I won't finish in time for the deadline tomorrow" she says, but Alfred hands her her finished report "I finished it for you when I heard you went missing, I'll bring it tomorrow" he explains earning a smile.

The next day they quickly find M'gann, Wally had decided to keep Amber company and to keep her entertained "Training room" Robin says and Nightwing sweatdrops "How would you know Artemis is there?" "Cause I checked the security camera and saw Wonder Woman drag her in there before the camera was destroyed" Robin says, so they head there, only to see Artemis stuck on a giant target wheel "Okay, let's free her" Lagoon Boy says but Nightwing stops him "Not so fast, we have to cut her loose without touching the ground and get her here" he says, only to see Blue Beetle ahead of them and coming back with the blonde archer "That leaves Batgirl, Cassie and Bumblebee" Robin says, but they see a jar in the corner of the room "Make that Batgirl and Cassie" Beast Boy says.

They find Batgirl on the roof of the police department building and by then Shadow had joined them "Got a message from Black Canary, I kicked her ass though" she says and adds "It's a riddle. Underwater away from preying eyes I sleep, but on a full moon I'll be in the deep", Nightwing narrows his eyes and says "I'm afraid we can't go there until M'gann is good enough to fly us there, also you should be resting" "I'm fine" Shadow says and Robin crosses his arms "You still have a slight fever and you're being more paranoid then usual" he says, but Shadow rolls her eyes saying "Just feel like someone's following me" "No one is followi-" Connor stop his sentence and he turns to the right a little to see someone watching the group "I'm scared" Shadow says surprising everyone "Scared that if I'm left on my own someone will kidnap me or something, the Joker from the future did say he wanted to kill me sooner then planned" she whispers as Nightwing pulls her in a hug "We won't leave you alone, we can call the future Batman and ask him about their Joker's location when we fix this" he says and Shadow nods, by now everyone noticed the figure and Robin whispers "Whoever it is is coming closer" "It is the Joker from the future" Red Hood says and the clown stops on a roof away from them "Enjoy the time you have left with your family Shadow Angel, your story will end soon, as well as those of your future kids" he says and Connor launches himself at the clown punching him hard enough to send him flying "I never thought I'd see Shadow this scared" Artemis says arriving with Wally and M'gann per bioship "Well the clown did just threaten her and say she'll die soon" Blue Beetle says and Artemis jumps down "Let's go find Robin's future girlfriend" she says as she helps the others in. They find their last teammate in an underwater bunker "Thank goodness" Cassie says hugging Shadow "Everyone's alright" she adds.

Back at the mountain Nightwing and Shadow are talking to the future Batman when Batman arrives "Robin told me what happened" he says and Nightwing ends the call "Joker escaped and came back to this time, meaning he doesn't think our Joker can handle it" he explains so Shadow hugs him tighter "We need a safe place for her" Batman says and Robin says "Her island, she can modify her force field generator" "But Joker's crazy right?" Shadow asks and everyone in the bat family nods "So he'll most likely make the Joker of this time watch, I can make use of that if I do get kidnapped, he loves torturing us, but doesn't want us dead" she explains and looks down "And I might break the no killing room, if I die by an explosion I'm taking that clown with me" she says, but Batman says "Only the Joker from the future" "I know, don't intent to kill our favorite arch enemy" Shadow says and Nightwing looks at Batman "You'll have to modify the generator, Shadow is in no condition to do so".

Young Justice: Last Hopeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें