Chapter 6: A day to relax

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The team, being told to rest up, decided to do some team bonding in the form of shopping, Artemis her idea. "Raven come on" Robin says with a sigh, the girl was walking all the way behind the group "I'd rather be at home sleeping" she says, but Artemis pulls her along despite all the complaints.  They arrive at the mall and Robin says "Remember to meet up here in two hours", so they go their different ways, the girls going somewhere else then the guys "Do we have to?" Raven asks looking at Artemis, M'Gann and Zatanna(who joined them for the day) "Yes becuse you need some new clothes whether you're going to deny it or not" M'Gann says earning glare, so Zatanna says "The sooner we  start this the sooner we'll be finished", so that being said they start their endless search. The guys however have more luck "You know what's funny?" Wally asks eating some ice cream making the other three look at him "We watch a girl lose her parents and suddenly Bats has a new partner" "Wally you know Batman loves keeping secrets" Robin says earning a nod from Conner "He could have been training her in secret" the clone says and Wally gets  plan "I'll find out if my hunch is correct, if only Bats wasn't so stuck up to the whole secret ID thing" "You mean you're going to stalk her for an entire day?" Robin asks, but Wally shakes his head "Not Raven" he says and Robin instantly knows what he means "So how do you think the girls are doing?" Kaldur asks earning  shrugs "Probably fine" Robin says, though he wondered why Raven had been so slow with following them "What are they doing anyway?" Wally asks and Robin says "They insisted Raven needed some new clothes", then it hits him, she would have to take of her sunglasses.

"Please let me keep them on" Raven says, but all other three girls cross their arms "Secret ID remember" Raven says and Artemis raises an eyebrow "Honestly, I'm surprised that the guys haven't found out" the blonde says and Zatanna looks at them confused "We'll talk later..." Raven mumbles grabbing the clothes Artemis had grabbed for her and going into the changing room "You guys know her secret ID?" Zatanna asks earning a nod from M'gann and Artemis "Took a short while to piece together" "Care to tell me later?" "Sure, if she lets us" Artemis says. Two hours later everyone meets up and Shadow is eating some ice cream looking a little depressed, probably why her ice cream is much much bigger then Artemis' and Zatanna's "Don't tell me they know" Robin says and Shadow glances at him, but that one glance is enough to show him they found out on their own "Bats is gonna kill me" she says. They arrive back at the cave to see Batman with a glare more focused on Shadow then the other girls, besides Zatanna, they wanted to keep the damage to a minimum "Home, now!" he says, but Shadow doesn't move from her spot "Raven..." Batman says and all the other mentors present stops talking quietly to see the Bat glaring at his newest partner "Give her some space Bats" Superman says, but a batglare shuts him up "I told you not to do anything that would show it" "I didn't" Shadow says looking at her mentor blankly "You're just scared they'll link me to you and to Robin, it will only be a matter of time before that happens" she says and the rest of the team quickly takes a few steps back, besides Wally who's clueless on what's going on. "She has guts to go against Batman" Green Arrow whispers to Black Canary who nods slightly as they watch the two Bats look at each other blankly "You knew it was a bad idea to put me in this early anyway" she says and walks of, but Batman grabs her arm, she acts on reflex and kicks him against his knee, not doing too much damage, but enough to make him let her go.

"Should we be worried?" Robin asks watching his 'sister' leave the cave through the zeta beams "We should" Flash says, they all decide to head home and Artemis hands the two bags she was holding for Raven to Robin "Good luck" she whispers. At the batcave Robin is surprised to see Amber put her suit away "Taking a break already?" he asks earning a shrug "Don't know, someone was bound to find out sooner then later" she says, which reminded Robin of his conversation with the guys "KF is going to stalk you for an entire day, probably tomorrow" he says and the two head upstairs after Robin changed "Amber Ruby Midnight!" Bruce's voice cuts them off, making the girl flinch at the mention of her full name "You are grounded from patrol and missions for two weeks" "Fine, wasn't planning too anyway, now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish my homework" she says and Dick just shrugs before heading upstairs too, but he does says "Way to go... dad".

The next day started badly, Wally didn't have any school at all and Amber's increasingly bad mood seemed to be noticed by everyone, besides the one who is suppose to, Bruce.

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