Chapter 34: Camping trip

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So the Wayne family finally arrived at their campsite and Tim says "You sure they can go without us for a while?" "Yep" Jason says and he adds "They can manage without those two, two extra bats missing is no biggy" "You hope" Bruce says and Amber smiles "Plus they are would call if there's trouble" she says setting up her tent, well tent she's going to share with Tim, he insisted on sleeping in the same tent as her, obviously Dick was against it at first, but eventually agreed after seeing the young boys pout. Once they're done Bruce and Jason go to a nearby stream to fish "He's still following me" Amber mumbles and Tim says "Doubt he'll try anything with all of us here" "Agreed" Dick says and he adds "But call just in case, we can't have you die".

That evening they roast some fish over a campfire and Bruce asks "How's Bludhaven doing now that you two retired?", Amber nearly chokes on her fish, just the previous night they had stopped a huge slave business "Good, the police are able to handle it" Dick says as Jason pats Amber's back "He's coming home later since they have to do everything themselves" she says and she feels someone watching them, but knows who it is. They get to their tents and Tim closes it after making sure the others are in their tent "Clear" he whispers and Amber makes herself comfortable in her sleeping bag before calling "Do you realize what time it is?" a young boy looking like a mix of Artemis and Wally asks "Yes" Tim says and the boy sighs "Batman!" he calls and the dark knight walks over "Yes?" he asks and sees the other two "Ah, go to the lounge and watch the two troublemakers" he says and the boy speeds of. "I need schematics of the bomb Joker killed me with" Amber says and Batman says "You plan to take him out for good" "Already got permission to kill the future Joker" Amber says and her holographic computer pops us showing a file appeared "If you stop the timer when you have 50 seconds left one side of the building will explode, then you use something to set of the rest of the bombs, preferably a batarang that sends an electric shock" Batman says and Nightwing walks over "Lucky for you you have extra help, we contancted the Joker of your time. He will destroy the timer as he leaves to stall your friends, then you will survive the first blast, after that you will either die thanks to the second blast or survive, depending on how lucky you are" he says and he adds "But if you do survive you'll rewrite this future completely, if you die, these two will disappear", he mentions to the two kids and adds "Please be careful" "Alright" Amber says and the screen disappears "I'm scared you'll die" Tim says hugging Amber who says "I'll be fine".

The Joker from the future is watching the tents and he narrows his eyes, he couldn't get close enough to listen, but the girl did remind him of Shadow Angel, hatred boilling as he remembers the day he killed her, though she refused to scream and show fear he knew that she was scared, he just hoped he had more fun this time around and that he could hear her scream in pain.

The next morning when Amber and Tim leave the tent Bruce is already making some breakfast "Other two are still sleeping" he says as Amber scans the surroundings, the 'stalker' had left them alone thinking they were just a family on a camping trip, which is true. She sits down on the ground and sighs "But you and Dick are looking better since you retired" Bruce says and Amber says "Well we took a well earned vacation and we're not worrying about villains each day", if only Batman knew their plan, but he was clueless. The other two join them and Jason says "We're going to explore the area today and maybe take a trip to the mountain" "The area is nice" Tim says earning a slight glare from his oldest brother "When did you two start dating anyway?" he asks and Amber says "A few months after the League got brainwashed and saved it was new year and Arty and I made a promise, if she and Wally would start dating I'd stop being a coward. So they finally admitted their feelings meaning I was stuck with doing the same. Though he beat me to it", Dick nods and says "Her face became as red as Wally's hair and we didn't know how Bruce would react so we kept it from him, obviously Alfred knew and Bruce walked into my room once when we were cuddling, he was surprised he hadn't noticed it sooner though". The spend the morning telling stories like that until they go sightseeing, but of course Tim's phone needs to go of when they just arrive back at the campsite "What is it?" he asks and Barbara says "Huge wave of mutated bugs heading your way, stop them". Tim groans and ends the call and he explains the situation "Do we have to?" Amber asks and Bruce says "Yes you have to".

So they get to a large tree after changing and Nightwing sweatdrops "Geez, she wasn't kidding" he says and Robin says "Not at all" "Well let's get this over with and then go back to our family time" Shadow says. They manage to return the bugs to normal and go check the damage they did "It's not as bad as you'd expect" Bruce says, but when they turn around to head back Red Hood says "Shadow's missing", Nightwing and Robin look at each other worried and Batman sighs "She's gone isn't she?" he asks and the others nod, so they call the cave "M'gann make a huge sweep of Gotham ASAP, Shadow's gone" Nightwing says and Batgirl is gone to join them "Strange activity near an abandoned warehouse, hurry" M'gann says.

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