Chapter 37: Trouble

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When the League gets a report that Aquaman found the team members with superpowers Batman sends Wonder Woman with one of the bigger jets "What about the others?" Superman asks and Aquaman says "I'm not sure, but I know it's nothing good at least".

At the lab the scientist smirks "It worked, it finally worked!" he yells and he looks at them time "Oh dear me, I should get going" he says and runs out forgetting to turn of everything, which works well for the group when Robin comes to, he had been tossed to the side along with Red Hood "Oh that hurts" he says rubbing his head and Red Hood says "We have bigger problem Tim", the two walk to where the other three are stuck and Robin sighs "She finally came back and we get kidnapped, she gets kidnappef again" he says looking at Shadow and Red Hood cuts of the wires and their older sister falls down "What now?" Robin asks as Batgirl and Artemis are freed too, so Red Hood takes the gem and says "We do what we have to, but let's get out first", they shake Artemis awake after Robin put the gem in his utility belt and they leave "Let's stop here" Artemis says struggling to keep Batgirl on her back and Red Hood nods "We should be out of sight enough" he says putting Shadow against a tree and he sees several burns not yet healed and he frowns under his mask. "We couldn't know it Jason" Tim whispers and he adds "We all feel guilty, especially dad and Dick. They took ik the hardest" "I know but she should still be resting, instead she's here because her jerk of a brother injured Dick". Artemis sits down and has trouble keeping her eyes open and Robin sighs "Guess we'll be keeping watch" he says, halfway through the night he notices that Shadow has a nightmare, a bad one and he quickly shakes her awake "Wha-" she's cut of by Robin covering her mouth and she relaxes slightly "What was the nightmare about?" Tim asks taking of his mask and Amber leans back against the tree "You, Jason, dad, Dick, Barbara all fell from a cliff and I couldn't save any of you" she says and is pulled in a hug "They'll need more then a cliff to kill us" Tim whispers and they hear footsteps "The scientist" Jason whispers and he pulls Amber up before taking Batgirl and his two siblings take Artemis and they walk on "They can't be far now" they hear one of the assistants says so Shadow takes Artemis on her back and they pick up the pace "You're opening you injuries again" Robin hisses, but Red Hood says "We'll worry about that later, move it". They went down a small stream and enter a cave barely big enough "The water should block our scent if they use dogs" Robin whispers and Shadow takes of her boots and frowns seeing she did open a few wounds near her foot "We'll wait until it's day" Red Hood says as Robin cleans the cuts earning a hiss in pain from Shadow "I really can't believe you" Batgirl mumbles and she slowly moved over while taking done bandage from her belt so she starts wrapping it around her friend's ankle "Next time we tell you to rest, listen" she says and Shadow puts on her boots again when Barbara is finished "I'll keep an eye out" the red head says earning a grateful look and Robin hands the protected container box to Shadow who puts it in her belt. "I want to go home and cuddle on the couch while watching a movie" Shadow says and she pulls her knees to her chest "Are you scared?" Robin asks and Shadow nods slightly "I felt like things would be easier if I went but instead we all get captured with no clue what happened to the others" she says and she adds "And there's snow here during the night", Robin blinks and looks at the area and he groans "Great, if we don't get caught we'll freeze to dead" he mumbles. Red Hood comes back and he holds up a rabbit "It's all I could find" he says.

When everyone is informed on what happened and that the humans who were present are missing in a freezing forest they start to worry, Nightwing had made a half recovery, but he could manage, after all Shadow was in danger "Where would they go?" Batman asks and Wally says "Well somewhere dogs won't find them, Shadow can't have that on top of her injuries" "What?" Batman asks and Nightwing sighs "She started doing things when my work days became longer, her ankles aren't healed and her back isn't either, luckily the Joker from the future wanted the blast to kill her so he didn't stab important organs and things" he says and adds "I once found her passed out after she had cleaned the house and hit her shoulder against a wall, the stab wounds had opened again and she lost quite some blood thanks to that". Batman nods and he says "Luckily I brought my favorite pet", Ace runs over and everyone sweatdrops, a mask to hide the dog's eyes and a collar with the bat symbol and a cape "Since it's Shadow he'll be able to pick up her trail easily, it's her dog after all" Nightwing says and he adds "And we didn't give permission for this" "Do you want to find her or not?" Batman asks earning a sigh.

They start their search and quickly come upon a small cave, which had been abandoned earlier and Wally says "What now? They really could be anywhere" "This way" M'gann says and she suddenly falls in the snow holding her head "They're this way, all of them, but it seems Shadow isn't taking being captured twice that good" she says and Ace runs of and the others follow. "Artemis can we stop now?" Robin asks rubbing his eyes and Shadow stops walking "A slope heading to a cliff" she says and Robin doesn't even have to look at her to know she's terrified "We don't have a choice" Batgirl says and they slowly make their way down "Easy there" Artemis says to Robin who is sliding down a little too fast, but Shadow grabs his hand "Don't" he says as his sister loses her footing thanks to her injuried, but she manages to grab the edge "Down doesn't look that far" Robin says earning a glare, they hear barking and they start to panic "How many people would bring their dogs here?" Robin asks as Artemis slowly moves over to pull them up "Batman if he seriously wanted to find us, by the way what is down there?" Batgirl asks and Robin says "A river, doesn't seem that deep", so Shadow finally gathers her courage and looks down too "Robin... That's pretty deep" she deadpans as Artemis pulls them up slowly "Down here" M'gann says and she and Wonder Girl fly down to help the two who almost fell down. When they got everyone Shadow instantly hugs Nightwing who hugs back instantly "What about the gem?" Batman asks earning a glare from everyone and he raises his hands in defense "I'll ask later then", Robin sneezes and wraps his cape around himself and the scientist says "I thought I got rid of you" "You really need to try harder then trowing them of a cliff" Shadow says and she narrows her eyes "And if I was completely fine I'd beat you into a pulp right now, the only one allowed to kidnap me is the Joker" she says and notices the dog "Please tell me he asked" she says, but Nightwing shakes his head and the scientist asks "Which one of you has the gem?" "That would be me" Shadow says and she is pulled to the ground when he fires a laser at her and they back away "I'm open for ideas" Robin says and Batman says "Superboy might do some good" "This weapon was made to kill superpowered people" the scientist says, Red Hood runa forward, but he's kicked away and he groans "He's stronger then he looks" he says and they all get worried when the scientist takes the blockbuster formula and Nightwing says "We're pretty screwed". It's a losing fight and Batman says "Retreat", but he thrown into the river with too much ease "Now for his children" the scientist says and Superboy charges at him, but even he's pushed away easily. Shadow walks backwards until her foot meets air and she falls backwards "Shadow!" Nightwing says and he grabs her arm "Forgot it went down here" she says, but Robin is thrown against Nightwing and the three fall down "Call someone" Batgirl says, but she's punched against Red Hood causing them to follow after the others, into the river "Superman and Martian Manhunter are on their way" Supergirl says as she hovers over the gap checking for signs of the bat family "That leaves the dog" the scientist says, that does it for her and she lunges forward punching him a few yards backwards before following after him to finish what she started.

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