Chapter 1: Zucco's plan in action

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Robin looks at his old circus as they enter the tent, the ringmaster has been informed and the heroes are allowed to step in, if needed "Haly can I practice a bit?" a girl, no older then 13 with unusual orange eyes asks and the man nods "She takes after her parents, why won't any of you help her?" he asks and Robin eyes the trapeze where the girl is heading to "I'll go" he says taking of his cape and he runs towards the girl "Well at least someone will have fun" Wally says and everyone looks at him confused, but he says "Just watch". they watch the girl go first and everyone stares in awe of her performance, Robin follow her soon and pretty much gets everyone in shock, though it seems like he really did have fun, then a boy walks in and asks "Where's the troublemaker?" "Ah Roy, she's on the trapeze" Haly says the boy glances over "Hey isn't that kid..." he trails of and the ringmaster nods "You sister has someone good to practice with and they appear to be the same age" he says with a smile.

Later that afternoon after getting to know the area a bit the heroes are being shown to their rooms "So your brother's name is Roy, funny, we know someone with that name as well" Robin says, Artemis had given him his cape back after he was finished "And we haven't even gotten your name" said girl says causing the younger girl to look up "My bad, my name's Amber Midnight, Haly got us after the accident with the Flying Grayson's, they were my idols" she says with a smile as she glances at Robin "I see" he says and Amber looks down "But I was at the performance watching when the wire was sabotaged, at that point my parents were already part of this circus along with my brother, but I came there with a friend of mine" she says and Robin's eyes widen slightly remembering the girl, he had seen her in the audience at the time and the horror in her eyes as his parents fell down, he hadn't realized it at the time, but now that he thought about it there were a lot of children then, he also didn't realize at the time that it could possibly scare some people to death "So you're not scared it'll happen again?" he asks and Amber says "If it does I'm calling it bad luck, or sabotage, most likely the last one", Robin ruffles her head before the group heads to their rooms "You got along with her pretty fast" Aqualad says and Robin smiles saying "We have common interests".

That evening they are all in their hiding places staying out of sight or some even in the audience in civilian clothes "This is boring" Wally whispers, but a quick glare from Robin shuts him up, they are starting to wonder if something will even go wrong as the show is nearing the end, but a snap brings Robin's attention back and his eyes widen seeing the wire break "Robin, do something!" Artemis tells him, but she doesn't have to do that and the boy wonder is gone and later lands with Amber softly on the ground, Megan had taken her brother, but the others couldn't act on time and Amber doesn't let go of Robin as she falls on her knees "Sh.." Robin whispers hugging the girl "I know what it's like" he mumbles and Megan falls on the ground "She's stunned" Superboy says and Robin looks around, as now Aqualad is taken down "Give it up Haly, I'll burn this place down if I have to!" Zucco says, not aware Robin is nowhere in sight, they only realize it when he falls forward thanks to someone kicking him on the back and Artemis is now out cold as well "What do you want?!" Superboy asks and Zucco says "Revenge", Robin kicks the guy again as he tries to get up and Superboy knocks him out cold. Now that that was taken care of they could get a break, they hoped. "Artemis and the others will be fine, but Robin, how did you know when to act?" Megan asks since she recovered from being stunned, having seen the boy disappear from his spot before the others even realized what happened "I heard the line snap" Robin says and he walks to Amber "Are you okay?" he asks earning a slight nod "Thank you" she whispers hugging him "Where's her brother?" Superboy asks and Megan says "He was here a minute ago" "Big brother?" Amber asks looking around, at that moment Batman walks in, dragging him along "He tried to run away, he knew the line was cut" the dark knight says and Amber's eyes widen looking at him "Why?" she asks wanting to walk over, but Robin stops her "Zucco promised me he wouldn't harm you, he was intending to kill you" her brother says, but Artemis shoots him with an arrow in his shoulder "Truth" she says and Batman says "No need for that Artemis, he was telling the truth, he just left out he's not her real brother, but that he was adopted after he was left here". After Zucco is in jail the team hangs around a bit "What do we do now?" Artemis asks as she watches Amber sit on the grass "I can't keep her here with her parents in that condition" Jack says, Batman had left and Bruce Wayne had shown up after 'hearing' the news. "Everything will be fine, if needed I can take her in" the billionaire says causing Amber to look at him "I don't want to be a bother" she says, but Bruce simply smiles at her "You won't bother me, my ward would be glad to have some company" he says and Amber looks at Haly, who only nods at her "Well okay then" she says and asks "Can I say goodbye to the animals first?", she runs of after getting a nod. Once everything is in order Bruce walks of to find the girl and finds her exactly where he thought she'd be, the lion cage "Time to go" he says and lightly pushes the girl to the car "You should go and report" he says passing the young group of superheroes who nods slightly. When Robin, or rather Dick Grayson arrives at the dining room that evening he sees Amber, though she didn't eat much "But it's lonely!" she complains looking at the butler "Ah master Richard, now you can keep Miss Amber company" Alfred says, but Amber says "Just call me Amber, I don't want formalities", the young superhero sits down and asks "Isn't Bruce coming to eat?" "He's busy" Alfred says. It took about a week for Amber's parents to die thanks to their injuries, once she heard she locked herself in her room, though coming out when Bruce had told her to, he was like her father, just that he had less time and very rarely showed up for dinner, it also didn't help that Alfred was the only one around most of the time and he wasn't really someone who you could hold long conversations with, much to her disappointment.

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