Chapter 14: Huge Problems

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Over the past few days the team started noticing weird things "Amber please get out of there" Robin asks, Haly had walked of when the teen walked over "What? I'm just feeding the lions" Amber says hopping out "Why did Haly walk of when you got here?" Artemis asks, the two girls often stayed around the lion cage, or on top of it "Not sure, I just wanted to ask him something concerning our doc, he's gone" Robin says and Shadow is pulled back inside the cage by a lion and a bullet passes where she had been standing "Oh that hurt" Amber says sitting back up and she sighs "Okay, let's get the facts straight, Haly walks of when you get here and then I'm about to be shot by someone, what doesn't add up?" she asks and Connor asks "That Haly is too fond of both of you to ignore you or hurt you?", Robin calls the watchtower and Batman picks up "Yes?" Wonder Woman asks from the background "We need a scan of what happened a few days ago, Haly changed, badly" Robin says and he adds "He ignored me and Amber almost go shot by someone", Batman sighs "As I feared, it is Zucco, he disguised himself as Haly, Amber must have noticed it since I can see she's staying awfully close to the lion cage" he says and adds "Superman and Black Canary will come over, try to stay alive please", he cuts the call and Amber pulls Robin up the lion cage where she lays down "Don't move" she whispers and mentions the others to get up to "You moved it" Wally says earning a nod. They hide and Zucco and their doc walk past "Where'd they go?" Zucco asks and the doc says "Not sure, they were here a second ago, when are you going to give the two birds the same faith as their family?" "Tomorrow in the show" Zucco says "And we'll watch them fall to their deaths just like that time" Zucco says, this makes Robin clench his fist "Should we stop him here?" Artemis asks, but before they can do that the two are blown away by a canary cry "No one is going to let anyone fall to their death" Superman says landing behind the two criminals, so without thinking both Amber and Robin jump down "What did you do to everyone in the circus?" Amber asks and Zucco chuckles "I was planning to make them my slaves, but with everyone cured I'll have to get rid of you myself" "Tell me Zucco, how many limbs would you like to keep?" Robin asks walking over with a glare on his face "All of them" the criminal answers and he adds "Please don't hurt me", Amber walks up too and stops next to Robin "Superman, do your son a favor and let him play baseball with these two" she says and Connor chuckles "How am I suppose to do that without a baseball bat?" he asks and Amber trows him a metal retractable stick "Will that do?" she asks earning a nod. When Batman arrives Superman nods at Connor "Nice playing" he says as the Bats his proteges are tying up the criminals, but Zucco starts laughing "What's so funny?" Batman asks and Zucco says "You might want to find Haly before taking me away and before the tent burns down completely", the tent catches fire and Robin rushes in without thinking "Robin!" Amber yells, but Batman holds her back "Let me go after him, I can't let him die!" she yells and Zucco grins "Ah too bad" he says, but gets knocked out by Artemis "Bats please let me go" Amber says and Batman asks "And lose you too?", Amber stops struggling and Artemis looks at Black Canary who shoots her a warning look "Look, I know what you're thinking, but I will not see my friend like this" the archer says before running in as well "Superman..." Batman says and the man of steel gets the hint, flying of after the girls, coming back around 7 minutes later with Robin, who's unconscious while Artemis comes out coughing with an unconscious Haly "Robin!" Amber calls running forward and Superman says "He'll be fine" "Don't lie" Batman says taking Robin from him "We'll bring Haly to the hospital, Robin will be treated at the Batcave" Batman says leaving, followed by Amber.

The next school day Amber is having lunch with Artemis and Barbara "So... where's your friend?" Barbara asks, but Amber only looks down "Not feeling well" she mumbles and Artemis puts an comforting hand on her shoulder "He will be fine Amber" she says and sighs "Now eat your lunch, Alfred will kill Barbara and me for not seeing to it that you've eaten something" she adds earning a nod from Barbara "I'll eat, Dick would kill me for not eating if I don't" Amber says with a sigh. The day went by fast and what was waiting for everyone at the cave was not good at all, Batman with a grave face "Bats, what's wrong with Robin?" Wally asks and Batman says "He hasn't woken up yet" "Shadow, go to the batcave and watch him" Black Canary says, Shadow nods sadly and leaves "Why did you make her leave?" Connor asks and Batman sighs "It appears he lost all his memories of being Robins, Shadow knows that" he says and adds "He won't remember any of you, or even Amber being Shadow, it hurt her more then any of you can imagine". M'gann shakes her head "I noticed something was wrong with her the second the came through the zeta beam, not hard to miss for me" she says and adds "Guess we can't come around to visit" "No, Artemis can since she's Amber's friend at school and Wally can come too since he knows Robin's secret ID" Batman says.

At the batcave Amber has changed out of her costume and is now sitting next to the bed "I should've stopped him from rushing in" she mumbles, sadly for her Alfred heard her and says "It could have happened to you too Miss Amber" "I don't care!" Amber yells and she gets up "I'll be in the training room smashing some robots" she says and leaves "Master Bruce won't like that" Alfred says earning a simple shrug. In the training room she slides down the door as she closes it behind her and she opens a channel on her watch "Amber, what's wrong?" Nightwing asks and Amber says "Everything at the moment, Robin... rushed into the burning circus to save Haly, he lost his memories of his time as a hero, what should I do?" "Well if he sees the right things he might remember everything" "Like what?" Amber asks drying the tears that had been falling down "Something really bad, but Amber, please don't die, it won't do anything if you do" "I-" Amber gets cut of when Batman asks after knocking on the door "Amber are you alright?" "I'm fine" Amber says cutting the call and she gets up "Just training" she adds as she activates a training program "Alright, don't go overboard" Batman says and he sighs walking to Alfred "She's taking it harder then expected" he says putting the cowl down and Alfred says "Sir, we should move Master Richard to his bed, he'll freak out if he wakes up here" "Right" Batman, or now Bruce, says and he adds "Keep an eye on Amber", an few hours later Amber leaves the training room and instantly heads upstairs to her room to finish her homework with both Bruce and Alfred watching her, they were more then a little worried about the girl "This is going to be a problem" Alfred says earning a nod from Bruce who says "Afraid so".

Young Justice: Last Hopeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें