Chapter 28: A different future

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After a few weeks all the water was gone so things had returned to normal "They might be our only hope" a voice whispers, but Connor picks it up and turns only to see nothing strange, that is until a shockwave knocks everyone out and they disappear. "Oh my head" Robin says as he looks around after getting up "You there, wake the others so we can leave" a female says, strangely enough wearing the same outfit as Shadow, who groans as she gets up "I don't mind time travelling, but I'd like to be warned next time" she says rubbing her head "Right" the female says and she places several machines after instructing the two that are awake to put everyone closer together.

They get teleported to an underground hideout where the people there bring the unconscious team members to different rooms "Why do you look like me?" Shadow asks following the girl around who says "I am you, just older" "Right" Shadow says and she notices she's getting stared at "It's weird to be up and about already after time travelling the way we got you here" a male standing at a computer says, but Shadow shrugs "I'm used to time travelling, did so quite a lot before moving out" she says as she looks around "What happened anyway? The survace looks roasted" she says and adds "But before you start your long scientific explanation, where's Nightwing?" "In room 423" the girl says and the boy says "As for what happened, robots took over mankind, very few leaguers are still alive and you guys disbanded so most are dead too". A distress call comes in "Requesting immediate assistance, sending coordinations" a voice says and Robin runs over "We can help" he says and someone leads them to what appears to be teleport pads and they get on "Don't linger too long after you arrive" is the only advise they get before they're teleported. Once they arrive a quick look is enough to decide what actoins they can and can't take, so they dodge lasers and smash the robots heads by slamming them to the ground "You learn quick", they realize it's that timeline's Jason and Shadow says "We're protege's of Batman, what were you expecting?" "Probably not much" Robin says and he asks "Does electrocuting them work?" "If you hit the right spot" Jason says so Shadow shrugs and kicks one that's sneaking up on Jason in the head after using the said guy as a way to get up and Robin blows up the head of the one after that.

At the underground safe haven Nightwing is wandering around with Batgirl after they had concluded they're in the future, well a different one that Nightwing is used to "All cleared up" he hears Shadow says passing the computer and she gets teleported back with Jason and Robin "And I got us a hostage" she says tossing the robot head she carefully got of after electrocuting one of their enemies "Knew you were somewhat smart to keep using that time machine" he says hugging her and she hugs back "Told you" she mumbles and Jason sighs "And of course every hot girl I meet is taken" he says and Robin says "Trust me on this, they were made for each other and don't ever hurt Nightwing, or Shadow, they'll turn your life into a living hell" "And yes, all girls are taken" Shadow says glancing at Jason who sighs "Let's go to the others, Robin, bring that head" she says before walking of and pulling Nightwing along.

At the room, which is big enough for everyone Shadow says "I think we were brought here to help" "We can't fight an unlimited army of robots" Batgirl says and she sweatdrops seeing Shadow type something on her holographic computer and the picture hanging above the text, the computer is closed as Nightwing says "We know the situation and we know there's not an unlimited supply of robots" "Correct" Jason says walking in and Red Hood says "A warning that there's another me might be nice next time" "He would be dead if Shadow and I hadn't helped him, seriously, she has more muscle then everyone here combined" Robin says and Shadow says "That is actually true". "Come on she can't be that strong" Jason says and everyone sweatdrops "You wanna test that?" Nightwing asks looking at him and he shrugs "Sure", so they make their way to the training room and everyone currently training stops "Why did you come here? You're the strongest of all of us" a boy asks and Robin says "He doesn't believe that Shadow is stronger then all of you combined" "This might be interesting" a red haired girl says and they move aside "Don't bother going easy on me" Shadow says and she dodge the first kick and she grabs his leg trowing him the ground "Okay, you're strong" Jason says and he gets an idea "I wanna fight against the other humans in the team" he adds and Robin sweatdrops "So everyone in the bat family, sure, Nightwing you first" he says.

And when Jason fights against Red Hood someone walks in "We managed to contact Batman, he knows where their leader is and the underground factory" a girl says and Red Hood just finishes the fight "Okay, we'll check it out" Jason says as he gets up with Cassie's help.

At the seemingly impossible to get in hideout the bats are all suddenly gone "Yep they do that, a lot" Connor says and the gate suddenly opens "You guys coming in?" Nightwing asks and the Batman from that time walks over, badly injured "Thought I heard someone" he says, Jason and the Amber from there run over to him and he adds "I lost, their leader knows all our tricks, we can't defeat him" "Which if why we got some help" Jason says mentioning to the team, the bat family sweatdropping at that before Shadow and Nightwing glance at each other and then at Batgirl who nods "They do that too" M'gann says and she adds "We can take out their leader" "Expect that it has too many guards, you'll have to challange him, he has a limit of 5 opponents at once" Batman says, this time the entire team looks at the bats and Shadow clears her throat after mentioning to Connor hr has to cover his ears "Hey crappy useless tin wannabe leader!" she calls earning a sweatdrop from Robin and Red Hood while the other two just sweatdrop "What is it intruder?" a metallic voice asks and a very advanced looking robot walks over "I challenge you, with my four friends here" Shadow says crossing her arms and the robot says "Follow me" "Destroy the factory" Nightwing says looking at Batman who nods. "I wanna see that fight" Jasom says and Batman says "We have other things to do". It doesn't take long for the team to find and destroy the factory and Nightwing chuckles "So, anyone up for not fooling around anymore?" he asks, Amber and Batgirl both having several small cuts "Yep" Robin says and the robot leader loses sight of them, but upon hearing beeping he looks in his arms to see explosive batarangs and there's also one stuck in his head, meaning he loses his arms and head when they explode.

Back at the mountain Batman is inspecting for weird things when the team arrives again "Where were you?" Batman says and Cassie says "You know, in the future saving the world" "I can see that" Batman says and he sighs "Head home and rest up, don't worry, Black Canary came over to watch the dogs" he says.

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