Chapter 10: Training day

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Black Canary is late, which normally never happens, but oh well "Sorry I'm late, something came up on the way here" she says walking in and she stops in front of the teens "Now then, Batman has decided to see who needs to work on what, so we'll be sparring, the Dark Knight himself will be arriving soon, so practice a bit until then", they spar for about 5 minutes when Batman arrives "Alright, you'll be going against Black Canary one by one, starting with Kaldur, you can use everything you can, but no telepathy"  he says and Kaldur goes first, but he's beaten within three minutes "Robin" Batman says, after nearly everyone went Batman seems to think as Artemis just finishes, she lost as well "Shadow" Batman says looking at her "But you said-" "Go..." Robin says pushing her and Black Canary smirks slightly "Don't make it too easy" she says as Shadow moves to fighting stance "Wouldn't dream of it" she says and runs towards, but Black Canary had expected that and dodges the punch, but Shadow jumps up making a backflip before landing again "I've been studying how you fight and Batman did say everything right?",  a small flash bomb goes of behind Black Canary and she jumps away from it, but Shadow grabs her arm and trows her down, but underestimated BC reaction time and is laying on the ground, good point is, so if Black Canary "You're still underestimating people's reaction time" Batman says helping the two up "I know, not my vault the villains in Gotham are mostly thick heads and slow as hell" Shadow says and Black Canary smiles "Well your fighting style sure is unique, though I think the fact you're way more flexible then the others, besides Robin, is a working point too, you can't really control it yet on the ground" she says ruffling the girl's hair "Yeah yeah I lost" Shadow says walking to the others.

Kid Flash is last and well he's too fast, which caused everyone to start laughing when Batman pointed it out "But I can't slow down!" Wally says and Batman deadpans "Go again, but this time against Shadow", the girl instantly stops laughing as she nervously walks over, how was she ever going to do this, she moves to fighting stance and keeps her eyes on the speedster, who speeds towards her, she barely dodges the first punch, but has to jump up and land on her hands to get away again "This isn't fair on her" Artemis says, but Batman says "She's not used to his fighting style, if you can call it that". The teens on the sidelines watch as Wally keeps dodging and sometimes landing a hit "Okay that's it" Shadow says, she was really annoyed at this point, she jumps up and uses Wally's head as he speeds by to jump higher while keeping an eye on him "Got you now" she says and kicks him against his back before landing again "Oh... that was sneaky" Wally says getting up, but stops when he sees the outstretched hand "I just got lucky" Shadow says with a smile as she helps him up "Besides, you can hit pretty hard" she says rubbing her arm "Alright, next training" Batman says and he mentions everyone to come to the training room where he has several things and he has to grab both Shadow and Robin's cape as they want to run towards the trapeze "Your agility will be trained here, pick one and we'll oversee it" Black Canary says and the Dark Knight releases the two kids who instantly run of "Only one!" he calls to them making both turn to him "But Bats, it's a great way to show teamwork if we pair up and I don't trust anyone else up there" Shadow says and Robin nods in agreement "Fine, but nothing too crazy" Batman says.

After two hours of practicing agility, which is totally unnecessary for both the young members of the Bat family, as everyone has agreed on, they're allowed to take a break "You two were awesome!" Wally says looking at the two youngest members or the group as they have something to eat and drink "I guess it come naturally" Robin says and Shadow only slightly nods "We have one at the Batcave too, they're always practicing there" Batman says walking over "Wally, once again, you were too fast, Artemis you didn't focus completely on your surroundings, M'gann try to rely less on your powers and Superboy, your landings shook the entire room. Shadow and Robin, great job" he says and everyone nods at him "But why do you have one in the Batcave? And where's Kaldur?" Wally asks and everyone looks around "He had something to do at Atlantis" Black Canary says walking over too "What's next?" Shadow says finishing a sandwich "Mental training" Batman says and he adds "Martian Manhunter will be here shortly, not a few minutes later said martian enters the room and he says "I assume you were given advise" "Yeah, but... are we going this with all the people here?" Artemis asks and Batman says "Yes", both Robin and Shadow look at their mentor and Batman says "Don't worry, Martian Manhunter will pull everyone out if it gets too personal", so one by one everyone's barrier help, well mostly, Wally lost his concentration and Robin got distracted, as for Shadow, she suddenly realized she had something to do halfway and ran out with Black Canary following her "What's up with her?" Artemis asks and Batman says "Bad memories, it still hurts her to remember it" "I'll do this with her later then" Martian Manhunter says earning a nod from the Dark Knight. 

As they near the evening Batman has one more challenge for them, in the form of a mission, he's going to test their detective skills, giving everyone a specific role without the others finding out "Alright then" he says looking at the teens, he had send Robin and Shadow on the task to lay out clues and do whatever "Artemis, is your camera ready?" he asks earning a nod "Miss Martian, notebook" he says earning another nod "Wally and Connor, other necessary things" he says earning yet another nod. They head of, Batman trailing behind him, he had given Shadow the role of the 'thief' along with Robin, first stop, the kitchen as they had been in the room where the zeta tubes are "This is the crime scene" Batman informs them, he was really only there to inform them on what the rooms are for "So, go and check if anything it missing" he says and M'gann flies to the cabinets and she starts to open them using her telepathy "Hey Bats, why are they doing this?" Black Canary asks eating a chocolate cookie, which Shadow had baked to calm down earlier, also exactly what went missing "Shadow's cookies are gone" Artemis says and she adds "Someone was in a hurry taking them and you're one of the main suspects" she says pointing at their sparring teacher who raises her hands in defense "I got this one before the rest was gone" "She's not a suspect", so as they go through room and room Batman spots something out of the corner of his eyes and they hear someone running away "Our suspect" Wally says speeding off, only to tackle Robin to the ground "Yo" the Boy Wonder says and they hear someone else running, the two had gotten bored "The air vents" M'gann says flying up to one, but she doesn't see anyone, just a discarded cape, so she takes it and flies down "Alright then, we have our two suspects, well one, but still" Connor says and Batman nods "Alright we'll stop here, it's getting late" he says and everyone sighs in relief ans Shadow lands next to where Robin is "That was fun" she says and asks "But why?" "Because I'm thinking of sending you guys to Gotham soon, the crime rates have gone up and Zucco has gotten away, he intends to finish the job, everyone notices Shadow get pale and Artemis quickly reaches the girl pulling her in a hug "It's alright" she whispers "Can I stay with Artemis tonight?" Shadow asks earning a nod from her mentor.

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