Chapter 11: Field Trip part 1

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"What do you mean you're going on field trip with school?" Wally asks Artemis as they watch the two hackers play video games "Robin and I will be too busy in Gotham, Bats has to take a break" Shadow says putting the remote control down as she loses, again "We'll be going on one too" M'gann says and she asks "Where are you going Artemis?" "Luxury hotel near a beach in Hawaii" Artemis says and Connor says "I get the feeling Batman has something to do with this, we're going there too" "Not fair!" Wally yells in frustration as Kaldur walks in "If it helps you, I'm not going anywhere either" the team leader says and Robin smirks slightly at his red haired friend as he screams in frustration "Oh hey Artemis, I just noticed the book you were holding, isn't that a rare detective novel? How did you get it?" Robin asks and Artemis says "Well my friend at school let me borrow it, saying she finished it a while back" "I see" Robin says and he chuckles seeing Shadow look through the games to find one she could win "How about you two find something else to compete at?" Wally asks and Shadow asks "What would that be?" "Something you're both good at" Wally says and Artemis says "Shadow still beats you at video games"

That evening everyone leaves and Wally is still complaining about how his school isn't going on a field trip "Oh shut up before I knock you out cold!" Shadow says and Wally instantly shuts up, back at Wayne manor Amber sighs "And done" she says as Alfred puts her suitcase near the door "Don't forget my costume" she says and Alfred says "I assure you that you don't need it, but it's packed as well, just in case", they head of and meet Artemis at the school grounds "You didn't pack much" Artemis comments seeing Amber's bag, but she smiles "Already put my suitcase away, did you finish the book?" Amber asks, but the archer sighs "Not yet, got halfway" she says, they head of and Artemis asks "How are we going anyway?" "By boat" Dick says with a smile "There are several students afraid of height" he adds. So as they wait for the boat Amber spots M'gann and she runs over to the girl "Hi Megan, hi Connor" she says making the two turn to her "Oh hi Amber" M'gann says and she looks at Connor "This is my friend Amber" she explains earning a knowing look since the clone had seen what happened to her parents "Hey circus freak, you shouldn't talk to them" a boy says and Connor sees the sadness in Amber's eyes, so he walks over to the boy "She can talk to whoever she wants to, a rich kid like you shouldn't think you can control who she talks to" he says as Artemis and Dick turn to see what's going on "Don't bother punching him! He won't learn that way!" Artemis calls over earning a smirk from the clone "Let me try it" he says, but Amber says "My friend's right you know, however he never learns if he keeps getting punched by the wrong person", she walks over and Connor moves aside "Besides, he's being watched closely" the girl says and she gives the guy a punch in his face "Call me that again and I'll break your nose" she says before going back to her small group of three friends. "Amber... Do you want to get in trouble?" Barbara asks, but the orange eye colored girl says "The teachers don't know I can punch that hard", that being said a teacher walks over "Amber, did you punch that guy?" he asks, but Amber shakes her head saying "Wanted to since he called me a circus freak, but one of my friends beat me to it", this earns her a sighs as the teacher walks of again "This is going to be an interesting trip" Artemis says earning a nod from Barbara, Dick and Amber.

On the boat, or rather ship, the schools split up and M'gann runs towards Artemis her group pulling Connor along "I didn't know you went to Gotham Academy" Connor says and he adds "Or that you and Amber were friends". Amber rubs the back of her head "Artemis is keeping all the bullies away for me" she says and adds "We're pretty much the misfits at our school", Dick nods and says "Yeah, but we're fine with that", Connor chuckles and looks at Amber, she seemed awfully familiar "So do you guys know who you're sharing a room with yet?" M'gann asks earning a nod from all four "No one" both Dick and Barbara says while Artemis points to Amber. "How long until we arrive?" Artemis asks and Barbara says "Who knows".

It took a few hours to arrive and Artemis has to shake Amber awake "I'm up" the young girl says as she takes her friend's ourstretched hand so she can get up "Look you can see the hotel!" Barbara calls over to the two who run over to her "Yep, I knew it" Amber mumbles with a sighs, Bruce just didn't trust them on their own, or he's just making sure they will be fine "I can't believe him" Dick says earning a nod from his friend "Once we arrive you have one hours to explore, we'll have a BBQ today" one of the teachers calls out and Artemis ruffles Amber's hair "Hope you didn't forget it" the blonde archer says and Amber says "Course not", they get their bags as the ship docks and they het of "This is a problem, we can't let them sleep in a room alone" one of the teachers in charge of the rooms says as Connor, Barbara, M'gann and Dick are gathered round them "I can share one with Connor" the young acrobat says and Megan thinks for a while "If Barbara won't mind I can share a room with her" she says. "I won't mind" Barbara says and the two teachers nod at the group before giving them their room numbers, Artemis and Amber already finished in their room and they stand on the balcony "It's weird, no Batman, no Green Arrow or any other League member to call for help" Amber says leaning on the railing, one of the boys who actually admires the two girl enter the balcony of the room next to theirs "Hey, do you think we'll see and Justice League members?" he asks and adds "Or maybe a few from the Young Justice team?" "Doubt that" Amber says and she jumps back as she sees a rope falling down "Do you want to get in trouble?" Artemis asks and the three lean forward a bit to see none other the Dick Grayson climbing down "I won't get in trouble" he says jumping the last part and landing next to Amber, who just facepalms "What were you talking about?" he asks and Artemis points to the boy as she says "That guy there is a fan of the Justice League and the team of young proteges", Amber nods slightly and she adds "But what are the chances we'll see one here?", Dick chuckles putting an arm around Amber who blushes slightly at that "Probably a small chance" he says, Artemis looks at the two "Why don't we go explore?" she asks and Amber says "Might be smart to get an understanding of the surrounding area", now they certainly knew it would be a very interesting trip.

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